(Flashback to the mixer.) IZZIE(introducing herself to Alex):Hi.Izzie Stephens.Washington. ALEX:Alex Karev,lowa. IZZIE This is nice,right?They threw a mixer for the new interns? ALEX:Yeah.It's just an excuse to get us all happy and drunk before they torture us (The camera moves around the room,spotlighting various interns.) ALEX:What program are you in? IZZIE:Surgery. ALEX:Seriously? IZZIE:Seriously.What? ALEX:I-I picked you for gynie or PEDSor something. IZZIE:You don't think I can be a surgeon?I can be a surgeon. ALEX:Surgery's hard core. IZZIE:I'm hard core. ALEX:You won't last the first year,babe. (Back to lzzie in the bathroom.George has come in,and is lying in frontof her.) GEORGE:lzzie IZZIE:What? GEORGE:Maybe you should change your clothes.Maybe you'd want to wear something more comfortable. IZZIE:Stop it. GEORGE:Iknow.Izzie. noting totak about o yo erstand GEORGE:I'm so sorry. IZZIE:Yeah,me too. (Backat Seattle Grace.) MORGUE GUY:So you're a surgeon? BAILEY:Yes.(Flashback to the mixer.) IZZIE (introducing herself to Alex): Hi. Izzie Stephens. Washington. ALEX: Alex Karev, Iowa. IZZIE: This is nice, right? They threw a mixer for the new interns? ALEX: Yeah. It's just an excuse to get us all happy and drunk before they torture us (The camera moves around the room, spotlighting various interns.) ALEX: What program are you in? IZZIE: Surgery. ALEX: Seriously? IZZIE: Seriously. What? ALEX: I- I picked you for gynie or PEDS or something. IZZIE: You don't think I can be a surgeon? I can be a surgeon. ALEX: Surgery's hard core. IZZIE: I'm hard core. ALEX: You won't last the first year, babe. (Back to Izzie in the bathroom. George has come in, and is lying in front of her.) GEORGE: Izzie. IZZIE: What? GEORGE: Maybe you should change your clothes. Maybe you'd want to wear something more comfortable. IZZIE: Stop it. GEORGE: I know. Izzie. IZZIE: Stop it, I mean it. Stop talking. There is nothing to talk about. Do you understand me? There is nothing to discuss. GEORGE: I'm so sorry. IZZIE: Yeah, me too. - (Back at Seattle Grace.) MORGUE GUY: So you're a surgeon? BAILEY: Yes
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