Physical Chemistry Real gases The law of corresponding states The critical constants are characteristic properties of gases The reduced variables of a gas by dividing the actual variable by the corresponding constant T (8.27) m,c reduce educe reduce pressure volume temperature The observation that the real gases at the same reduced e volume and reduced temperature exert the same reduced pressure is called the law (principle) of corresponding ● states (8.28)The law of corresponding states The critical constants are characteristic properties of gases The reduced variables of a gas by dividing the actual variable by the corresponding constant. The observation that the real gases at the same reduced volume and reduced temperature exert the same reduced pressure is called the law (principle) of corresponding states. , c r P P P  , m,c m r V V V  , c r T T T  (8.27) reduced pressure reduced volume reduced temperature ( , ) r Pr Tr V = f (8.28) Physical Chemistry Real Gases
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