工程科学学报 Chinese Journal of Engineering 文本生成领域的深度强化学习研究进展 徐聪李擎张德政陈鹂崔家瑞 Research progress of deep reinforcement learning applied to text generation XU Cong.LI Qing,ZHANG De-zheng.CHEN Peng,CUI Jia-rui 引用本文: 徐聪,李擎,张德政,陈鹏,崔家瑞.文本生成领域的深度强化学习研究进展.工程科学学报,2020,42(4:399-411.doi: 10.13374j.issn2095-9389.2019.06.16.030 XU Cong.LI Qing,ZHANG De-zheng,CHEN Peng,CUI Jia-rui.Research progress of deep reinforcement learning applied to text generation[J].Chinese Journal of Engineering,2020,42(4):399-411.doi:10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2019.06.16.030 在线阅读View online::htps:/ldoi.org10.13374.issn2095-9389.2019.06.16.030 您可能感兴趣的其他文章 Articles you may be interested in 基于强化学习的工控系统恶意软件行为检测方法 Reinforcement learning-based detection method for malware behavior in industrial control systems 工程科学学报.2020,42(4):455 https:1doi.org/10.13374.issn2095-9389.2019.09.16.005 基于深度学习的高效火车号识别 Efficient Wagon Number Recognition Based on Deep Learning 工程科学学报.优先发表https:/doi.org/10.13374.issn2095-9389.2019.12.05.001 基于深度学习的人体低氧状态识别 Recognition of human hypoxic state based on deep learning 工程科学学报.2019,41(6):817 https::loi.org10.13374.issn2095-9389.2019.06.014 深度神经网络模型压缩综述 A survey of model compression for deep neural networks 工程科学学报.2019,41(10:1229 https:/oi.org/10.13374.issn2095-9389.2019.03.27.002 基于文本语料的涉恐事件实体属性抽取 Entity and attribute extraction of terrorism event based on text corpus 工程科学学报.2020,42(4:500 https:/1doi.org/10.13374.issn2095-9389.2019.09.13.003文本生成领域的深度强化学习研究进展 徐聪 李擎 张德政 陈鹏 崔家瑞 Research progress of deep reinforcement learning applied to text generation XU Cong, LI Qing, ZHANG De-zheng, CHEN Peng, CUI Jia-rui 引用本文: 徐聪, 李擎, 张德政, 陈鹏, 崔家瑞. 文本生成领域的深度强化学习研究进展[J]. 工程科学学报, 2020, 42(4): 399-411. doi: 10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2019.06.16.030 XU Cong, LI Qing, ZHANG De-zheng, CHEN Peng, CUI Jia-rui. Research progress of deep reinforcement learning applied to text generation[J]. Chinese Journal of Engineering, 2020, 42(4): 399-411. doi: 10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2019.06.16.030 在线阅读 View online: https://doi.org/10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2019.06.16.030 您可能感兴趣的其他文章 Articles you may be interested in 基于强化学习的工控系统恶意软件行为检测方法 Reinforcement learning-based detection method for malware behavior in industrial control systems 工程科学学报. 2020, 42(4): 455 https://doi.org/10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2019.09.16.005 基于深度学习的高效火车号识别 Efficient Wagon Number Recognition Based on Deep Learning 工程科学学报.优先发表 https://doi.org/10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2019.12.05.001 基于深度学习的人体低氧状态识别 Recognition of human hypoxic state based on deep learning 工程科学学报. 2019, 41(6): 817 https://doi.org/10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2019.06.014 深度神经网络模型压缩综述 A survey of model compression for deep neural networks 工程科学学报. 2019, 41(10): 1229 https://doi.org/10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2019.03.27.002 基于文本语料的涉恐事件实体属性抽取 Entity and attribute extraction of terrorism event based on text corpus 工程科学学报. 2020, 42(4): 500 https://doi.org/10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2019.09.13.003
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