10.1 The Problem of Stress 3万 hh的的daee每e中g 三 h中傅tempt to mcape Fustress lpeol shess that prvides challenges thut mtivate nid每g nx的 hand and meet their oa lob sarsfaction Distress Type of ss resiting frem chroncally d年anding stuatioes th produces negative heath outcomes. General adagtation mdrome65A转y dmbcal repome sepuence omo银m diseae or FGURE 10.1 Theoretical Framework for the Study of Stress in Organizations truma (ponening.nury. ppchological stpessl oc:Adacted from【u点LL&rusiere.(1992).eoretical frameweri for the奇ct女ess in organizaons.h慧D.Dunsette& identified与4nmSe LM.Hough()findtnal adarganuntonalpychology (nd ed.Vol 3.pp 571-650 Figp 592.Pale Alo CAConwng ychologists Press Capymght permmion by Leaetta Hough 山m体action5求 of the genenl adaptaton drome in which制bod animals and humans have an adaptive response to stressful situations in which they choose meblizes tesources与coe to either fight or attempt to escape.Cannon (1929)called this response the fight-or-flight wth added stess. reaction,and he is often credited with being the first to use the term'stress."An alternative Stress hormone to the fight-or-flight reaction is tend-and-befriend.which involves responding to stress by Chemical le.g.adrenaline caring for relatives and seeking and providing social support (Taylor et al,2000).Given that social support is beneficial to long-term health.the fact that females tend to manage stress 前crtso)leedin the body when a persen with a tend-and-befriend response partly explains their higher life expectancy compared to encounters stresstulor males(Quick et al,2013). demanding stuaboes Often referred to as the "father of stress,"Hans Selye (1976)defined stress as the non. Resistance Stage ofthe specific response of the human body to any demand made on it.He was the first to distin. gmneral ac山ptation guish between good stress (eustress)and bad stress(distress).Selye noted that eustress sdmme in which the boc寸 provides challenges that motivate individuals to work hard and meet their goals. cpes with the original Alternatively,distress results from stressful situations that persist over time and produces source of stress,but negative health outcomes. feKe与other stes5a5 sawered Selye observed that the response sequences to almost any disease or trauma (e.g.poison. ing.injury,psychological stress)are nearly identical He named the progression the general Ehaustion Stage of adaptation syndrome(GAS)and divided it into three stages.First.in the alarm reaction the general adaptaton sydrome in which overall stage,the body mobilizes resources to cope with added stress.In this stage,the heart rate et家edrups and advene increases and stress hormones,such as adrenaline,noradrenaline,epinephrine,and corti. csequenors fe.g.bumout sol,are released.Second,in the resistance stage,the body copes with the original source of severe iness and even stress,but resistance to other stressors is lowered.Third,in the exhaustion stage,overall t制c输w哺n相 sts书edad resistance drops and adverse consequences,including burnout,severe illness,and even
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