symbian 2.10 Text Character Set The new SIS file format only supports Unicode UCS-2 encoded strings 2.11 File Limitations The number of levels of embedding of SIS controllers/files is limited to eight,as previously covered. Various installation types have been removed.The supported types are now: EInstInstallation /standard type EInstAugmentation /removable addition to a package EInstPartialupgrade /adds files to a package (patch)without any removals EInstPreinstalledApp //for use with pre-installed media EInstPrernstalledPatch //for use with pre-installed media The unsupported types are EInstsIssystem,EInstsIsoption,EInstsIsconfig,EInstsIsPatch, EInstSISMIDlet and EInstSISMIDletsuite. 2.12 SIS File Structure Overview 8r6aBegeeo5ng96eacssFeldspnm0tn5s882a6rogmeg -length-value format All yhs5sneen3aysoressIsFTed5orhesame6esaesioRdneticentos type value for each entry in the array,and so only the Length and Type Length Value ouneof the d.Each type of hasa unique D details of which The type field is 4 bytes in lenath Length anand des nondetherldd th but would use unnece. ssary space.The Length is always represented by an unsigned value. If Length is smaller than2 then the value is stored using 32 bits Data Lengt which an be presented is1. To read in the Value This field contains the data of the sIsField.Its format depends on the Field ID www.symbian.com7 2.10 Text Character Set The new SIS file format only supports Unicode UCS-2 encoded strings. 2.11 File Limitations The number of levels of embedding of SIS controllers/files is limited to eight, as previously covered. Various installation types have been removed. The supported types are now: EInstInstallation // standard type EInstAugmentation // removable addition to a package EInstPartialUpgrade // adds files to a package (patch) without any removals EInstPreinstalledApp // for use with pre-installed media EInstPreInstalledPatch // for use with pre-installed media The unsupported types are EInstSISSystem, EInstSISOption, EInstSISConfig, EInstSISPatch, EInstSISMIDlet and EInstSISMIDletSuite. 2.12 SIS File Structure Overview The SIS file format is composed of SISFields encoded using a type-length-value format. All SISFields are stored in this format, with the exception of any SISField which is stored inside a SISArray. This is since an array stores SISFields of the same type, it would be inefficient to store the type value for each entry in the array, and so only the Length and Values are stored. Type Length Value Type This field indicates the type of the SISField. Each type of SISField has a unique ID, details of which can be found in Appendix A. The type field is 4 bytes in length. Length This is the length of the Value field only, and does not include the sizes of the other fields contained in the SISField. The Length field is stored in either 4 or 8 bytes, depending on its value. This is because for some fields we need to support a 64 bit length but for most we don’t, so storing the length in 64 bits for all fields would use unnecessary space. The Length is always represented by an unsigned value. If Length is smaller than 231 then the value is stored using 32 bits. If Length is greater than or equal to 231 then the value is stored using 64 bits. The most significant bit is set to one, meaning the greatest possible Data Length which can be presented is 263 – 1. To read in the value of Data Length we first read in the first 32 bits. If the most significant bit is zero, then the lower 31 bits represent the value of Length. If the most significant bit is one, then we read the next 32 bits, and construct the 63 bit data value from both parts. Value This field contains the data of the SISField. Its format depends on the Field ID
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