DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS-Data sheet 罪 Project M.回8]205 amale-female rate C2-IC3 C4 C6 Bitrate C-T-V Age Type Male ratio M-death rate Female ratio F-death ratio Population size 0.46 Omale-female population 0,46 084 口2005 0,41 58 0.05 口2004 cIty 0.4 000 56 0.39 37 口2003 0.49 0.42 2002 5 City 051 043 0. 日2001 cIty 口 birth rate2005 7City 0.53 0 2950 0.46 0.08 abirth rate-2004 cIty 0.53 0.47 0.15 abirth rate-2003 cIty 0.56 0.44 0.48 白 birth rate-2002 10City 060 0.18 0.53 0, The data were collected 口 birth rate2001 liCity 0.5 0 0.52 1312City 061 0 0.54 from internet such as 13City 62 0.13 0. CHINA POPULATION 15 14City 0.58 5City 0.75 0.71 0.69 STATISTICS YEARBOOK 79 0.27 17 City 0.38 (19952006) 11122222222 18 City 0.88 19 City 047 0.81 (中国人口统计年鉴)etc. 20City 0.69 0.59 21City 0.69 0.43 0.76 0.73 86 0.42 0.21 25c1 0.73 27City 0.85 84 28 City 0. 自强不息,厚德载物- E(@Applied Statistics, Group Report ③m--自强不息,厚德载物-- IE @Applied Statistics, Group Report 10 The data were collected from internet ,such as CHINA POPULATION STATISTICS YEARBOOK (1995-2006) (中国人口统计年鉴) etc. DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS-Data Sheet