THE LIFE CYCLE OF TOXOPLASMA GONDII (TOXOPLASMOSIS) THIS PHASE OF THE LIFE CYCLE OCCURS IN ALL 25 ANIMALS, INCLUDING CATS. he resulting tachyzoites roduce asexual chyzoites are distributed liberating more tachyzoites throughout the host's body and causing cell death After several Bradyzoites or sporozoites parasites divi infect cells(macrophages)x producing z in the mucosa of the Filled with bi The host is infected by ingesting oocysts ol eating bradyzoites in the tissues of a reservoir Bradyzoites or sporozoites Oocysts become from the oocyst infective(sporulate) penetrate the cells in about 24 hours of the small intestine The parasite undergoes asexual and sexual reproduction oocysts are passed in and oocysts are produced the"cat's" feces THIS PHASE OF THE LIFE CYCLE OCCURS ONLY IN"CATS ( Parasites and Parasitological Resources
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