irreplaceable a. impossible to replace 不能为其他事物所替代的 submit v. to refer for judgmentor consideration;to yield to the controlof another;to hand over 呈送,递交;主张;使服从,屈服 Phrases and Expressions顺序朗读新短语 out of order不按次序的,工作不正常的setaside留出,搁置 take precedence over比-重要,比-优先处理take up开始从事 cut back(on sth..)削减prayfor祈祷,恳求,期求 make an effort努力fall apart崩溃(瓦解,破裂,破碎 devote to奉献,致力于miss out省略,错过 irreplaceable a. impossible to replace 不能为其他事物所替代的 submit v. to refer for judgment or consideration; to yield to the control of another; to hand over 呈送,递交;主张;使服从,屈服 Phrases and Expressions 顺序朗读新短语 out of order 不按次序的,工作不正常的 set aside 留出,搁置 take precedence over 比……重要,比……优先处理 take up 开始从事 cut back (on sth.) 削减 pray for祈祷,恳求,期求 make an effort 努力 fall apart 崩溃(瓦解,破裂,破碎) devote to 奉献,致力于 miss out 省略,错过
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