Chapter 10 Object-Oriented Modeling Prerequisites for Part II hapter 5 Arrays Chapter 6 Objects and Classes You can cover GUI after Chapter 8 Chapter 8 Inheritance and Polymorphism >Chapter 11 Getting Started with GUI Programming hapter 9 Abstract Classes and Interfaces Chapter 12 Event-Driven Programming Chapter 15 Exceptions and Assertions You can cover Exceptions and 1o after Chapter 8 Chapter 16 Simple Input and output Introduction to Java Programming, revised by Dai-kaiyuLiang,Introduction to Java Programming,revised by Dai-kaiyu 1 Chapter 10 Object-Oriented Modeling Prerequisites for Part II Chapter 6 Objects and Classes Chapter 7 Strings Chapter 8 Inheritance and Polymorphism Chapter 5 Arrays Chapter 9 Abstract Classes and Interfaces Chapter 10 Object-Oriented Modeling Chapter 11 Getting Started with GUI Programming Chapter 12 Event-Driven Programming Chapter 15 Exceptions and Assertions Chapter 16 Simple Input and Output You can cover Exceptions and I/O after Chapter 8 You can cover GUI after Chapter 8
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