d.were authorized as dealers in stocks and shares 3.Which of the following is true according to this passage a.Since 1973 women have been allowed to work with the London Stock Exchange. b.Women have recently been allowed to become partners in stockbroking firms. c.Women were never officially allowed to enter the Stock Exchange. d.Only brokers or jobbers can get into the Stock Exchange. 4.Several votes have been taken inThe House"so as a.to see if women were willing to become members b.to decide when women would beallowed intoThe House" c.to find out whether the members were willing to allow women to become members. d.to decide when to allow women on to the new trading floor. 5.Who had the power to decide whether or not to employ girl clerks? a The Stock Exchange Coun b.Any member of the Council c.The firms of jobbers.d. were authorized as dealers in stocks and shares 3. Which of the following is true according to this passage? a. Since 1973 women have been allowed to work with the London Stock Exchange. b. Women have recently been allowed to become partners in stockbroking firms. c. Women were never officially allowed to enter the Stock Exchange. d. Only brokers or jobbers can get into the Stock Exchange. 4. Several votes have been taken in “The House” so as _______. a. to see if women were willing to become members b. to decide when women would be allowed into “The House” c. to find out whether the members were willing to allow women to become members. d. to decide when to allow women on to the new trading floor. 5. Who had the power to decide whether or not to employ girl clerks? a. The Stock Exchange Council. b. Any member of the Council. c. The firms of jobbers
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