Index 983 relative truncation error 883 equivalent bandwidth 554 relaxation as smoothing operator 874 fitting data which contains 653,656 restriction operator 873 model,for optimal filtering 548 speeding up FMG algorithm 881f. Nominal variable (statistics)628 stopping criterion 884 Nonexpansive projection operator 814 straight injection 876 Non-interfering directions see Conjugate direc- symbol of operator 875f. tions use of Richardson extrapolation 878 Nonlinear eigenvalue problems 462 V-cycle 874 Nonlinear equations W-cycle 874 finding roots of 347ff. zebra relaxation 875 integral equations 790,796 Multiple precision arithmetic 915ff. in MEM inverse problems 822f. Multiple roots 348,369 multigrid method for elliptic PDEs 882ff. Multiplication,complex 177 Nonlinear instability 840 Multiplication,multiple precision 916,918 Nonlinear programming 443 Multiplier of linear congruential generator Nonnegativity constraints 430f. 276 Nonparametric statistics 639ff. Multistep and multivalue methods(ODEs) Nonpolynomial complete (NP-complete)445 747狂 Norm,of matrix 58 see also Differential Equations;Predictor- Normal (Gaussian)distribution 275,658, corrector methods 687E,807 Multivariate normal distribution 695 central limit theorem 658f. Murphy's Law 413 deviates from 288f.,578 Musical scores 5 kurtosis of 612 multivariate 695 NAG xVii,35.72,212,461 semi-invariants of 614 National Science Foundation (U.S.)xiii,xv tails compared to Poisson 659 Natural cubic spline 115 two-dimensional(binormal)637 Navier-Stokes equation 839,840 variance of skewness of 612 Needle,eye of(minimization)410 Normal equations(fitting)34f.,651,672ff, Negation,multiple precision 916 804,809f Negentropy 820,904 often are singular 676 Nelder-Mead minimization method 396,408ff. Normalization Nested iteration 877 of Bessel functions 181 Neumann boundary conditions 829,849,860, of floating-point representation 28,890 867 of functions 149.774 Neutrino 645 of modified Bessel functions 239 Neville's algorithm 108f.,111,140,188 Notch filter 558,562f. Newton-Cotes formulas 131ff.,147 NP-complete problem 445 open 132 nr.h prototypes for Numerical Recipes 17, Newton-Raphson method see Newton's rule 930 Newton's rule149f,185,348,362ff,369. NRANSI macro 17,930 371,476 NR_END macro,for offset arrays 941 with backtracking 384f nrerror()utility 2,942f. caution on use of numerical derivatives nrutil.c utility functions 2,19,21f.,940, 365 942E fractal domain of convergence 367f. nrutil.h prototypes for utilities 17,27, globally convergent multidimensional 380, 940任 383ff.389.757E.761 Null hypothesis 609 for matrix inverse 57,606 Nullity 61 in multidimensions 377,379ff.,757f, Nullspace34,61,63,456,804 761.762 Number-theoretic transforms 509f in nonlinear multigrid 882.884 Numerical derivatives 186ff.,651 nonlinear Volterra equations 796 Numerical integration see Quadrature for reciprocal of number 919 Numerical Recipes safe 366 compatibility with First Edition 3f. scaling of variables 389 compilers tested 3 singular Jacobian 393 Example Book 3 solving stiff ODEs 748 how to get diskettes xvi,996f. for square root of number 921 how to report bugs iv Niederreiter sequence 310 license information xvi NL2SOL 688 list of all 951ff. Noise machines tested 3 bursty 897 OEM information xvii effect on maximum entropy method 574 no warranty on xviIndex 983 relative truncation error 883 relaxation as smoothing operator 874 restriction operator 873 speeding up FMG algorithm 881f. stopping criterion 884 straight injection 876 symbol of operator 875f. use of Richardson extrapolation 878 V-cycle 874 W-cycle 874 zebra relaxation 875 Multiple precision arithmetic 915ff. Multiple roots 348, 369 Multiplication, complex 177 Multiplication, multiple precision 916, 918 Multiplier of linear congruential generator 276 Multistep and multivalue methods (ODEs) 747ff. see also Differential Equations; Predictor￾corrector methods Multivariate normal distribution 695 Murphy’s Law 413 Musical scores 5 NAG xvii, 35, 72, 212, 461 National Science Foundation (U.S.) xiii, xv Natural cubic spline 115 Navier-Stokes equation 839, 840 Needle, eye of (minimization) 410 Negation, multiple precision 916 Negentropy 820, 904 Nelder-Mead minimization method 396, 408ff. Nested iteration 877 Neumann boundary conditions 829, 849, 860, 867 Neutrino 645 Neville’s algorithm 108f., 111, 140, 188 Newton-Cotes formulas 131ff., 147 open 132 Newton-Raphson method see Newton’s rule Newton’s rule 149f., 185, 348, 362ff., 369, 371, 476 with backtracking 384f. caution on use of numerical derivatives 365 fractal domain of convergence 367f. globally convergent multidimensional 380, 383ff., 389, 757f., 761 for matrix inverse 57, 606 in multidimensions 377, 379ff., 757f., 761, 762 in nonlinear multigrid 882, 884 nonlinear Volterra equations 796 for reciprocal of number 919 safe 366 scaling of variables 389 singular Jacobian 393 solving stiff ODEs 748 for square root of number 921 Niederreiter sequence 310 NL2SOL 688 Noise bursty 897 effect on maximum entropy method 574 equivalent bandwidth 554 fitting data which contains 653, 656 model, for optimal filtering 548 Nominal variable (statistics) 628 Nonexpansive projection operator 814 Non-interfering directions see Conjugate direc￾tions Nonlinear eigenvalue problems 462 Nonlinear equations finding roots of 347ff. integral equations 790, 796 in MEM inverse problems 822f. multigrid method for elliptic PDEs 882ff. Nonlinear instability 840 Nonlinear programming 443 Nonnegativity constraints 430f. Nonparametric statistics 639ff. Nonpolynomial complete (NP-complete) 445 Norm, of matrix 58 Normal (Gaussian) distribution 275, 658, 687f., 807 central limit theorem 658f. deviates from 288f., 578 kurtosis of 612 multivariate 695 semi-invariants of 614 tails compared to Poisson 659 two-dimensional (binormal) 637 variance of skewness of 612 Normal equations (fitting) 34f., 651, 672ff., 804, 809f. often are singular 676 Normalization of Bessel functions 181 of floating-point representation 28, 890 of functions 149, 774 of modified Bessel functions 239 Notch filter 558, 562f. NP-complete problem 445 nr.h prototypes for Numerical Recipes 17, 930 NRANSI macro 17, 930 NR_END macro, for offset arrays 941 nrerror() utility 2, 942f. nrutil.c utility functions 2, 19, 21f., 940, 942ff. nrutil.h prototypes for utilities 17, 27, 940ff. Null hypothesis 609 Nullity 61 Nullspace 34, 61, 63, 456, 804 Number-theoretic transforms 509f. Numerical derivatives 186ff., 651 Numerical integration see Quadrature Numerical Recipes compatibility with First Edition 3f. compilers tested 3 Example Book 3 how to get diskettes xvi, 996f. how to report bugs iv license information xvi list of all 951ff. machines tested 3 OEM information xvii no warranty on xvi
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