积累与巩固 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1.Do you know the course you will study? 2.I w onder if you can go shopping with me tomorrow. 3.It's not polite to point at or talk about strangers in public. 4.Pardon me,I can't follow what you said. 5.Mr.Liu is the person whom I talked with on the bus. 导航页导航页 积累与巩固 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1.Do you know the c__________ you will study? 2.I w__________ if you can go shopping with me tomorrow. 3.It’s not p__________ to point at or talk about strangers in public. 4.P__________ me, I can’t follow what you said. 5.Mr.Liu is the person w__________ I talked with on the bus. ourse onder olite ardon hom
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