·728· 智能系统学报 第12卷 project-dist/hadoop-hdfs/HdfsUserGuide.html [26]MELNIK S,GUBAREV A,LONG JJ,et al.Dremel: [19]DEAN J,GHEMAWAT S.Mapreduce:simplified data interactive analysis of web-scale datasets[.Communications processing on large culsters[C]//Proc of the 6th Symp on of the Acm,2011.3(12):114-123 Operating System Design and Implementation.San 作者简介: Francisco,USA,2004:137-150. 何明.男,1975年生,博士,主要研 [20]HAN U G.AHN J.Dynamic load balancing method for 究方向为大数据、推荐系统、机器学习。 apache flume log processing[C]//Information Science and Technology.Shenzhen,China,2014:83-86. [21]Apache.org.Apache sqoop EB/OL].[2017-06-07]. http://sqoop.apache.org/. [22]BITTORF M,BOBROVYTSKY T,ERICKSON CCACJ,et al.Impala:a modern,open-source SQL engine for Hadoop 常盟盟,男,1987年生,硕士研究 [C]//Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Conference on 生,主要研究方向为数据挖掘、机器 Innovative Data Systems Research.CA,USA,2015:4-7. 学习。 [23 FLORATOU A,MINHAS U F,OZCAN F.SQL-on- Hadoop:full circle back to shared-nothing database architectures [J].Proc of the VLDB endowment,2014,7 (12):1199-1208. [24]ZAHARIA M,CHOWDHURY M,FRANKLIN M J,et al. 刘郭洋,男,1986年生,硕士研究 Spark:cluster computing with working sets [J].Book of 生,主要研究方向为大数据、数据挖掘。 extremes,2010,15(1):1765-1773. [25]HE Y,LEE R,HUAI Y,et al.RCFile:a fast and space- efficient data placement structure in MapReduce-based warehouse systems.[C]//Proc of 27th IEEE Int Conf on Data Engineering.CA:IEEE Computer Society,2011: 1199-1208 2017IEEE第2届信息技术,电子与自动化控制会议(TNEC2017) 2017 IEEE 2nd Information Technology,Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference(ITNEC2017) 2017 IEEE 2nd Information Technology,Networking,Electronic and Automation Control Conference(ITNEC 2017) will be held during December 15-17,2017 at Chengdu China.This conference is sponsored by IEEE,IEEE Beijing Section,Chongqing Global Union Academy of Science and Technology.Submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two technical program committee members and reviewers assigned by the TPC members of the Conference.All accepted papers will be published by IEEE,which will be indexde by EI,CNKI.Excellent papers will be selected and published under SCI or EI journals. The aim of ITNEC 2017 is to provide a platform for researchers,engineers,academics as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development work in Information Technology, Networking,Electronics and Automation Control.It provides opportunities for the scholars to exchange new ideas and application experiences,to extend business or research relations and to identify global partners for future collaboration. Website:http://www.itnec.org/project⁃dist / hadoop⁃hdfs/ HdfsUserGuide.html. [19] DEAN J, GHEMAWAT S. Mapreduce: simplified data processing on large culsters[C] / / Proc of the 6th Symp on Operating System Design and Implementation. San Francisco, USA, 2004: 137-150. [20] HAN U G, AHN J. Dynamic load balancing method for apache flume log processing[C] / / Information Science and Technology. Shenzhen, China, 2014: 83-86. [21]Apache. org. Apache sqoop [ EB/ OL]. [ 2017 - 06 - 07]. http: / / sqoop.apache.org / . [22]BITTORF M, BOBROVYTSKY T, ERICKSON CCACJ, et al. Impala: a modern, open⁃source SQL engine for Hadoop [ C ] / / Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research. CA, USA, 2015: 4-7. [23 ] FLORATOU A, MINHAS U F, OZCAN F. SQL⁃on⁃ Hadoop: full circle back to shared⁃nothing database architectures [J]. Proc of the VLDB endowment, 2014, 7 (12): 1199-1208. [24]ZAHARIA M, CHOWDHURY M, FRANKLIN M J, et al. Spark: cluster computing with working sets [ J]. Book of extremes, 2010, 15(1): 1765-1773. [25]HE Y, LEE R, HUAI Y, et al. RCFile: a fast and space⁃ efficient data placement structure in MapReduce⁃based warehouse systems. [C] / / Proc of 27th IEEE Int Conf on Data Engineering. CA: IEEE Computer Society, 2011: 1199-1208. [26] MELNIK S, GUBAREV A, LONG J J, et al. Dremel: interactive analysis of web⁃scale datasets[J]. Communications of the Acm, 2011, 3(12):114-123. 作者简介: 何明,男,1975 年生,博士,主要研 究方向为大数据、推荐系统、机器学习。 常盟盟,男,1987 年生,硕士研究 生,主要研究方 向 为 数 据 挖 掘、 机 器 学习。 刘郭洋,男,1986 年生,硕士研究 生,主要研究方向为大数据、数据挖掘。 2017 IEEE 第 2 届信息技术,电子与自动化控制会议( ITNEC2017 ) 2017 IEEE 2nd Information Technology,Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference( ITNEC2017) 2017 IEEE 2nd Information Technology,Networking,Electronic and Automation Control Conference( ITNEC 2017) will be held during December 15 - 17, 2017 at Chengdu China. This conference is sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Beijing Section,Chongqing Global Union Academy of Science and Technology.Submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two technical program committee members and reviewers assigned by the TPC members of the Conference. All accepted papers will be published by IEEE,which will be indexde by EI、CNKI.Excellent papers will be selected and published under SCI or EI journals. The aim of ITNEC 2017 is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academics as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development work in Information Technology, Networking,Electronics and Automation Control. It provides opportunities for the scholars to exchange new ideas and application experiences,to extend business or research relations and to identify global partners for future collaboration. Website: http: / / www.itnec.org / ·728· 智 能 系 统 学 报 第 12 卷
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