FUNCTIONAL NEUROANATOMY OF EMOTION 333 TABLE 1 List of Emotion Activation Studies Included in the Meta-Analysis Induction Methoc Type of Emotio Study No. Reference Visual Auditory Recall Happy Fear Anger Sad Disgust 9 d97 ard 9 d99 nli 98 y99 199 111213145677809001223450667896006123456008890426456469505268 Har 19 L 99 is neye ”98 55 Whalen 98b The stand coor tes of activation peaks re- 96.Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology,Lon and medial i onto I SPM IA-IC show the es vaThe standard coordinates of activation peaks re￾ported by individual studies were plotted onto lateral and medial views of a 3-D canonical brain image (SPM 96, Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, Lon￾don; derived from the MNI brain template). Figures 1A–1C show the result of grouping plotted activa￾TABLE 1 List of Emotion Activation Studies Included in the Meta-Analysis Study No. Reference Induction Method Type of Emotion Visual Auditory Recall Happy Fear Anger Sad Disgust 1 Baker 97 X X X 2 Beauregard 97 X 3 Beauregard 98 X X 4 Blair 99 X X X 5 Blood 99 X 6 Breiter 96 X X X 7 Canli 98 X 8 Crosson 99 X 9 Damasio 00 X X X X X 10 Dolan 00 X 11 Dougherty 99 X X 12 Frey 00 X 13 Gemar 96 X X 14 George 93 X 15 George 94 X X 16 George 95 X X X 17 George 96a X 18 George 96b X X X 19 Hamann 99 X 20 Hariri 00 X 21 Isenberg 99 X X 22 Kimbrell 99 X X X 23 Kosslyn 96 X 24 Lane 97a X 25 Lane 97b X 26 Lane 97c X X X X X 27 Lane 98 X X 28 Lane 99 X 29 Liberzon 00 X 30 Liotti 00 X X X 31 Maddock 97 X X 32 Mayberg 99 X X 33 Morris 96 X X X 34 Morris 98a X X X 35 Morris 99 X X 36 Nakamura 99 X 37 Paradiso 97 X X X X 38 Paradiso 99 X 39 Pardo 93 X X 40 Partiot 95 X X 41 Phillips 97 X X X 42 Phillips 98a X X X X 43 Phillips 98b X X X 44 Pietrini 00 X 45 Rauch 99 X 46 Redoute 00 X 47 Reiman 97 X X 48 Royet 00 X X 49 Shin 00 X 50 Simpson 00 X 51 Sprengelmeyer 98 X X X X 52 Taylor 98 X 53 Taylor 00 X 54 Teasdale 99 X 55 Whalen 98b X FUNCTIONAL NEUROANATOMY OF EMOTION 333
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