6c Giving something back PRE-READING Scanning Scan the passage.Who's the world's biggest charity donor? 6.7 hether they're donating to disaster relief the couple welcomed their first son,Milan,followed funds,education,or healthcare,these sby their second litle boy,Sasha,in 2015. celebrity couples have made a habit of giving their wealth away,and are inspiring many The birth of both children prompted the couple to give back.They set up a World Baby Shower in s others to do the same. the lead-up to each birth,and asked fans to send SHAKIRA AND GERARD PIQUE gifts to other babies around the world who were She's a Colombian pop star who has sold over 70 20 in need of help.Both of these Baby Showers were mllion albums worldwide.He's a Spanish soccer huge successes,raising more than 200.000 for star with a World Cup title to his name.They met food,medicines,and blankets.Shakira said she in 2010 when Piqu appeared in Shakira's music hoped her two boys would appreciate what she'd video for "WakaWaka (This Time for Africa)"-the done and be inspired themselves."My hope is that official song of the 2010 FIFA World Cup-and have 2s by the time my sons are adults.they can look back been together ever since.After three years together. and see how even small efforts can have a big impact when multiplied,she wrote in her blog. The world's biggest charity Shakira is also a Goodwill Ambassador for donors(2015) UNICEF (United Nations Children's Emergency Fund) In fact,she has long been involved in promoting 828 children's rights.When she was only 18,Shakira set up the Barefoot Foundation.This organizatior educates and feeds more than 6,000 children in $21.5 Warren Buffett,one of the richest men in billion the world,has pledged to donate the bulk Colombia and other countries.Her charities have Melinda Gates received donations as high as mlion from other charities. Carlos Slim,Mexico's richest man,and Howard has donated his weaith to edu Buffett,son of American bilionaire Warren Buffet healthcare institutes across the world. BILL AND MELINDA GATES With a net worth of$billion,they're the wealthies he charity he fo couple on the planet.And according to Forbes Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. magazine,they're the worid's most generous as $498 Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has wel.Bill Gates amassed billions of dollars afte million donated to various causes such as Microsoft took off in 1980.Along with his wife Melinda-who was once a Microsoft employee sherself-Bill now works full-time as co-chair of the 80 80 • • 6C 1v1n some PRE-READING Scanning Scan the passage. Who's the world's biggest charity donor? • 1 hether they're donating to disaster relief the couple welcomed their first son, Milan, followed l funds, education, or healthcare, these 15 by their second little boy, Sasha, in 2015. celebrity couples have made a habit of giving their wealth away, and are inspiring many 5 others to do the same. St:IAKIRA AND GERARD PIQUE She's a Colombian pop star who has sold over 70 million albums worldwide. He's a Spanish soccer star with a World Cup title to his name. They met 10 in 2010 when Pique appeared in Shakira's music video for "Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)" -the official song of the 2010 FIFA World Cup-and have been together ever since. After three years together, The world's biggest charity donors (2015) $28 Bill Gates has donated $28 billion of billion his fortune to his own charity, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. - $21.5 Warren Buffett, one of the richest men in billion the world, has pledged to donate the bulk of his fortune to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and four other charities. £5.1 Businessman and investor George Soros billion ha:s donated his wealth to educational and healthcare institutes across the world. -~- $6.8 Gordon Moore, technology pioneer and billion Intel founder, has donated $6.8 billion to the charity he founded with his wife-the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. $498 Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has million donated to various causes such as public schools and the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. The birth of both children prompted the couple to give back. They set up a World Baby Shower in the lead-up to each birth, and asked fans to send gifts to other babies around the world who were 20 in need of help. Both of these Baby Showers were huge successes, raising more than $200,000 for food, medicines, and blankets. Shakira said she hoped her two boys would appreciate what she'd done and be inspired themselves. "My hope is that 25 by the time my sons are adults, they can look back and see how even small efforts can have a big impact when multiplied," she wrote in her biog. Shakira is also a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF (United Nations Children's Emergency Fund). 30 In fact, she has long been involved in promoting children's rights. When she was only 18, Shakira set up the Barefoot Foundation. This organization educates and feeds more than 6,000 children in Colombia and other countries. Her charities have 35 received donations as high as $200 million from Carlos Slim, Mexico's richest man, and Howard Buffett, son of American billionaire Warren Buffett. BILL AND MELINDA GATES With a net worth of $81 billion, they' re the wealthiest 40 couple on the planet. And according to Forbes magazine, they're the world's most generous as well. Bill Gates amassed billions of dollars after Microsoft took off in 1980. Along with his wife Melinda-who was once a Microsoft employee 45 herself-Bill now works full-time as co-chair of the
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