新世纪高职高专英语(修订版)综合教程电子教案 NEW CENTURY ENGLISH INTEGRATED COURSE UNIT 6 Entertainment Master the key words and structures. Be able to explain why soap Teaching opera is so popular and the key to its success. Discuss what soap opera Objective can provide for the common audience. Exchange personal opinions on soap operas. argument critic whatever remain capture entire ntify ocabulary character provo campaign entertainment concentrate critical Incident deliberate guarantee gossIp predict Ke motive center around ase on think of… as set free efer to cut short compare with according to a range of Structure no more than, whatever, succeed in doing Building up your vocabulary Skills Reading about places to stay Writing memo Teaching Lead In Activity; Study of the Text; Study of Words and Phrases;Study Procedures of Reading More; Study of Practical Reading: Study of Practical Writing Language Drills fo Lead In Text Study Consolidation Application PRETCO TestTeaching Objective Master the key words and structures. Be able to explain why soap opera is so popular and the key to its success. Discuss what soap opera can provide for the common audience. Exchange personal opinions on soap operas. Teaching Procedures Key Points Vocabulary Structure Skills no more than, whatever, succeed in doing … Building up your vocabulary Reading about places to stay Writing memo Lead In Activity; Study of the Text; Study of Words and Phrases; Study of Reading More; Study of Practical Reading; Study of Practical Writing argument capture character entertainment deliberate analyze base on cut short remain identify campaign Incident predict center around refer to a range of whatever allow provoke critical gossip issue set free according to critic entire copy concentrate guarantee motive think of … as compare with
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