ion in人生观和 genes and gene products,etc) n Case study:7:Genetic engineering of insect istance in food Reading (Bt as an example:gen and its product, assigned selective toxicity to Lectures materials insects vs.human 3 课程目 and and beings,etc),8:Genetic 标7.8 discussion particina ion in resistance in food crops papava as an example n ring spot virus coat protein gene,etc) Reading 拓宽学生 of 的国际化 Methods for detecting 视野,具有 assigned GM crops in food 对多元文 DNA and/or rna. 化的包容课程目 and and based techniques discussionparticipa 心态,胸怀标78 protein-based 天下,以 techniques ion in 进全人类 discussic 福祉为己 任 注 建议按照教学周周学时编排 注2:相应章节的课程思政融入点根据实际情况填写。 考核方式 Attendance (40%) (Grading) Final presentation(60%) 参考资料: 教材或参考资 The text,Energy Systems Engineering.Francis Vanck,Louis Albright and 料(Textbooks Largus Angenent,McGraw Hill,NY,2016,ISBN 978-0-07-1787789-9 will &Other e a maior book beca reference.However,students will not to purchase se handouts will b ded to st urrent and relevant sources and from refereed publications 其它(Morc) 备注(Notes) food crops (roundup as an example: genes and gene products, etc) ion in discussio n 人生观 和 价值观 11 Case study: 7: Genetic engineering of insect resistance in food crops (Bt as an example: gene and its product, selective toxicity to insects vs. human beings, etc); 8: Genetic engineering of disease resistance in food crops (papaya as an example: ring spot virus, coat protein gene, etc) 3 Lectures and discussion Reading of assigned materials and participat ion in discussio n 课 程 目 标 7,8 12 Methods for detecting GM crops in food: DNA and/or RNA￾based techniques; protein-based techniques 3 Lectures and discussion Reading of assigned materials and participat ion in discussio n 拓宽学生 的国际化 视野,具有 对多元文 化的包容 心态,胸怀 天下,以增 进全人类 福祉为己 任 课 程 目 标 7,8 注 1:建议按照教学周周学时编排。 注 2:相应章节的课程思政融入点根据实际情况填写。 *考核方式 (Grading) Attendance (40%) Final presentation (60%) *教材或参考资 料 (Textbooks & Other Materials) 参考资料: The text, 'Energy Systems Engineering', Francis Vanek, Louis Albright and Largus Angenent, McGraw Hill, NY, 2016, ISBN 978-0-07-1787789-9 will be a major reference. However, students will not be required to purchase the book because specific course handouts will be provided to students from current and relevant sources and from refereed publications 其它(More) 备注(Notes)
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