12. A mother will arrive at(A) the discovery, either instinctively or by(B) series of trials and errors, that her baby is more at peace(C) if holding (D)on the left against her heart than on the right. 13. When there is a (A) langnage barrier, communication is accomplished(B)through sign (C) language whose (D)motions stand for letters, words and ideas. 14.He tried (A) not to smoke for sometime (B)during (C)the summer vacation, but as soon as(D) he came back to work, he was a smoker again. 15. Norwegians see in (A)farmers and fishermen many of the qualities(B)that they regard with ( C) pride as essential (D)Norwegian. 16. The value of radar lies in not(A)being a substitute for (B)the eye, but in doing(C) what the eye (D) can not do. 17. The greater part of (A)the lower grade students was(B) unable to achieve the(C)norm on(D)the reading tests 18. He would (A)always ignore the fact (B)of there to be (C)such a contradiction in his inner(D)thought 19. Dr. Norman Bethune was prepared (A) to leave with(B)the last wounded(C)being operated 0.In some countries, the papers and television feed (a)the young with( B)fantastic tales of the poor's(C) becoming(D)rich. Directions:Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET (10 points) 21. Historians use the on the walls of ancient temples to guide them in their studies. Iption C. prescription D. subscription 22. With some effective measures adopted in the workshop the workers are safe getting In C. against D. without 23. Only Type 22 of bicycle is but the type you want has been all out. A. on sale12. A mother will arrive at (A) the discovery, either instinctively or by (B) an unconscious series of trials and errors,that her baby is more at peace (C) if holding (D) on the left against her heart than on the right. 13. When there is a (A) langnage barrier,communication is accomplished (B) through sign (C) language whose (D) motions stand for letters,words and ideas. 14. He tried (A) not to smoke for sometime (B) during (C) the summer vacation,but as soon as (D) he came back to work,he was a smoker again. 15. Norwegians see in (A) farmers and fishermen many of the qualities (B) that they regard with (C) pride as essential (D) Norwegian. 16. The value of radar lies in not (A) being a substitute for (B) the eye, but in doing (C) what the eye (D) can not do. 17. The greater part of (A) the lower grade students was (B) unable to achieve the (C) norm on (D) the reading tests. 18. He would (A) always ignore the fact (B) of there to be (C) such a contradiction in his inner (D) thought. 19. Dr. Norman Bethune was prepared (A) to leave with (B) the last wounded (C) being operated on (D) . 20. In some countries,the papers and television feed (A) the young with (B) fantastic tales of the poor's (C) becoming (D) rich. Section C Directions:Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points) 21. Historians use the _____ on the walls of ancient temples to guide them in their studies. A.description B.inscription C.prescription D.subscription 22. With some effective measures adopted in the workshop, the workers are safe _____ getting injured. A.in B.from C.against D.without 23. Only Type 22 of bicycle is _____ ,but the type you want has been all out. A.on sale
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