IPvD DUSINESS MOTIVATION New Applications sell products It was a new application( the World Wide Web)that caused the Internet to happen in 1992-1996 New Applications drive Internet Growth New and expanded infrastructure needed to support more traffic and more users If someone asks, Why do we need Pv6? Tell them"It's the applications 9 @ NOKIA 2003"IPv6 Protocol-Latest Developments"/28 March 2003/R Hinden N口KA9 © NOKIA 2003 “IPv6 Protocol - Latest Developments” / 28 March 2003 / R. Hinden BUSINESS MOTIVATION • New Applications sell products! • It was a new application (the World Wide Web) that caused the Internet to happen in 1992-1996 • New Applications drive Internet Growth • New and expanded infrastructure needed to support more traffic and more users • If someone asks, Why do we need IPv6? • Tell them “It’s the applications