2019 海南大学学报人文社会科学版 第5期 性化配置与媒介融合创新。 (三)深度个体化文化 如果说网络社会在初级阶段为个人提供了多样的兴趣社群,促进了深度个体化文化的发展,那么智能 信息流便进一步深化了网络社会的深度个体化文化。跨界化、智能化、移动化、个人化是高维信息服务四项 基本要素,而集合这四点基本要素的智能信息处理平台便如同拥有“上帝之眼”,可在高空俯瞰个人,并可 通过数据运算智能优化配置资源,从而提供个性化智能服务。与此同时,智慧家庭、智慧生活、智慧出行、智 能助手等“私人定制化”的个性沟通产品的延伸,正越来越多地展现出人工智能产业的未来趋势,必将进 步深化线性导航式的智能个体化文化。但正是由于目前针对个人的信息服务太过于“准确”,以致出现了个 人与公共信息剥离的现象,这在一定程度上促进了“信息茧房”的形成。因此,智能网络社会中的深度个体 化文化更具有双面性质 总之,媒介技术的智能化趋势促进了传播环境与媒介生态的智能化,开启了智能网络社会。从“+互联 网”的初步探索发展到“互联网←”的整体融合,再到当前“人工智能+”的智慧升级,连接一切、跨界融合、创 新驱动、尊重人性,正使以万物皆媒、人机合一、自我进化等为特征的智媒时代加速到来。未来,网络媒介这 概念或将消失,因为它将演进为一切新智能化媒介“无形”的“泛在连接”系统,而媒介也将会在网络系统 基础上更加智能化。与此同时,媒介技术的自我进化,不仅将带动媒介智能化的持续加速,而且将推动整个 传媒业的蜕变与成长,还将在微观层面重塑传媒产业价值链。 [责任编辑:吴晓珉] Media intelligentization and the transformation of intelligent Network Society BIE Jun-hua, XU Zhi-qiang (1. School of Foreign Languages, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 311121, China; 2. School of Digital Media and Creative Design, Sichuan University of Media and Communications, Sichuan 611745, China Abstract: On the basis of the framework of mutual construction relationship between media and society, this pa per makes a tentative theoretical analysis of the trend of media intelligentization and the transformation of intelli gent network society. From the perspective of the media as an extension of consciousness in the philosophy of me- dia and technology, this paper first summarizes the rise and development of intelligent network society as well as its three basic stages. Then, it examines the extensive function of intelligent media on human abilities(perception cognition, action, creativity ) and further reveals the internal connection logic of intelligent network(person and person, human and material, material and material) profoundly. Finally, it is concluded that the intelligentization of media will be the mainstream social picture of the future world from the perspective of data experience,cross- border sharing and in-depth individual culture. Key words: media intelligentization; intelligent network society; artificial intelligence; ubiquitous intelligent net- work (c)1994-2019ChinaAcademicJournalElectronicpUblishingHouse.Allrightsreservedhttp://www.cnki.net2019年 海南大学学报人文社会科学版 第5期 性化配置与媒介融合创新。 (三)深度个体化文化 如果说网络社会在初级阶段为个人提供了多样的兴趣社群,促进了深度个体化文化的发展,那么智能 信息流便进一步深化了网络社会的深度个体化文化。跨界化、智能化、移动化、个人化是高维信息服务四项 基本要素,而集合这四点基本要素的智能信息处理平台便如同拥有“上帝之眼”,可在高空俯瞰个人,并可 通过数据运算智能优化配置资源,从而提供个性化智能服务。与此同时,智慧家庭、智慧生活、智慧出行、智 能助手等“私人定制化”的个性沟通产品的延伸,正越来越多地展现出人工智能产业的未来趋势,必将进一 步深化线性导航式的智能个体化文化。但正是由于目前针对个人的信息服务太过于“准确”,以致出现了个 人与公共信息剥离的现象,这在一定程度上促进了“信息茧房”的形成。因此,智能网络社会中的深度个体 化文化更具有双面性质。 总之,媒介技术的智能化趋势促进了传播环境与媒介生态的智能化,开启了智能网络社会。从“+互联 网”的初步探索发展到“互联网+”的整体融合,再到当前“人工智能+”的智慧升级,连接一切、跨界融合、创 新驱动、尊重人性,正使以万物皆媒、人机合一、自我进化等为特征的智媒时代加速到来。未来,网络媒介这 一概念或将消失,因为它将演进为一切新智能化媒介“无形”的“泛在连接”系统,而媒介也将会在网络系统 基础上更加智能化。与此同时,媒介技术的自我进化,不仅将带动媒介智能化的持续加速,而且将推动整个 传媒业的蜕变与成长,还将在微观层面重塑传媒产业价值链。 [责任编辑:吴晓珉] Media Intelligentization and the Transformation of Intelligent Network Society BIE Jun-hua1 , XU Zhi-qiang2 (1. School of Foreign Languages, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 311121, China; 2. School of Digital Media and Creative Design, Sichuan University of Media and Communications, Sichuan 611745, China) Abstract: On the basis of the framework of mutual construction relationship between media and society, this pa⁃ per makes a tentative theoretical analysis of the trend of media intelligentization and the transformation of intelli⁃ gent network society. From the perspective of the media as an extension of consciousness in the philosophy of me⁃ dia and technology, this paper first summarizes the rise and development of intelligent network society as well as its three basic stages. Then, it examines the extensive function of intelligent media on human abilities(perception, cognition, action, creativity), and further reveals the internal connection logic of intelligent network(person and person, human and material, material and material)profoundly. Finally, it is concluded that the intelligentization of media will be the mainstream social picture of the future world from the perspective of data experience, cross￾border sharing and in-depth individual culture. Key words: media intelligentization; intelligent network society; artificial intelligence; ubiquitous intelligent net⁃ work 74
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