J. Zhong et al. /Journal of Materials Processing Technology 190(2007)358-362 4. Conclusions References 1. The pyrolyzed substance of HMDS contained excessive car- II LCasas, MRElizalde, JM.MarTinez-Esnaola, Interface characterisation nd a small of and correlation with the creep behaviour of a 2. 5D SiC/C/SiC composite, Composites: Part A 33(2002)1449-1452. The phase composition was difficult to distinguish, primarily [2] X. Yongdong, C. Laifei, Z Litong, Y Hongfeng, Y Xiaowei, Mechanical considered as the Si-C-n compos properties of 3D fiber reinforced C/SiC composites, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 300 2. The structure of C/C/SiC composite was dense and homoge (2001)196-202 neous, but there were some pores between fibers and bundles, [3] V.I. Academician. Trefilov, Ceramic and carbon-matrix composites, Chap- man Hall London. 1995 whose sizes were less than 5 um and less than 100 pm, [4]P. Delhaes, Chemical vapor deposition and infiltration processes of carbon respectively. The thickness of the pyrocarbon interface was materials. Carbon 40(2002)641-6 non-homogeneous [5] M.F. Gonon, S. Hampshire, J.P. Disson, G. Fantozzi, A polysilazane pre- 3. The bending stress-strain curves were in the way of zigzag. cursor for Si-C-N-O matrix composites, J. Eur. Ceram Soc. 15(1995) 683-688 Fiber pull-out was observed on the fracture surface Flexural (6)M Qing-Song, C. Zhao-Hui, Z. Weng-Wei, H. Hai-Feng. Processing and strength of C/C/SiC composite at 1300C was higher than characterization of three-dimensional carbon fiber reinforced Si-O-Co that at room temperature. The main reason was that the resid- posites via precursor pyrolysis, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 352(2003)212-216 ual thermal stress in the composite was partially relaxed at [71 S. Zhou, S. Qiao, Study of flexural properties of C/C composite at high 1300°C. temperature, JMater Eng. 6(2001)16-18 [8]H Drost, M. Friedrich, R Mohr, E Gey, Nanoscaled Si-C-N-composite powders with different structures by shock-wave pyrolysis of organic pre- Acknowledgements cursors, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phy Res B 122(1997)598-601 [9] L. Kleps, F. Caccavale, G. Brusatin, A. Angelescu, L. Armelao, LPCVD This research has been supported by the Foundation of silicon carbide and silicon carbonitride films using liquid single precursors, National Key Laboratory for Precision Hot Processing of Metals (10) 1M. Daniel. G.Anastassopoulos, The behavior of ceramic matrix fiber and Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research composites under longitudinal loading, Compos. Sci. Technol. 46(1993) 105-113.362 J. Zhong et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 190 (2007) 358–362 4. Conclusions 1. The pyrolyzed substance of HMDS contained excessive car￾bon, followed by silicon, and a small amount of nitrogen. The phase composition was difficult to distinguish, primarily considered as the Si–C–N composite. 2. The structure of C/C/SiC composite was dense and homoge￾neous, but there were some pores between fibers and bundles, whose sizes were less than 5 m and less than 100 m, respectively. The thickness of the pyrocarbon interface was non-homogeneous. 3. The bending stress–strain curves were in the way of zigzag. Fiber pull-out was observed on the fracture surface. Flexural strength of C/C/SiC composite at 1300 ◦C was higher than that at room temperature. The main reason was that the resid￾ual thermal stress in the composite was partially relaxed at 1300 ◦C. Acknowledgements This research has been supported by the Foundation of National Key Laboratory for Precision Hot Processing of Metals and Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University. References [1] L. Casas, M.R. Elizalde, J.M. MarTinez-Esnaola, Interface characterisation and correlation with the creep behaviour of a 2.5D SiC/C/SiC composite, Composites: Part A 33 (2002) 1449–1452. [2] X. Yongdong, C. Laifei, Z. Litong, Y. Hongfeng, Y Xiaowei, Mechanical properties of 3D fiber reinforced C/SiC composites, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 300 (2001) 196–202. [3] V.I. Academician, Trefilov, Ceramic and carbon-matrix composites, Chap￾man & Hall, London, 1995. [4] P. Delhaes, Chemical vapor deposition and infiltration processes of carbon materials, Carbon 40 (2002) 641–657. [5] M.F. Gonon, S. Hampshire, J.P. Disson, G. Fantozzi, A polysilazane pre￾cursor for Si–C–N–O matrix composites, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 15 (1995) 683–688. [6] M. Qing-Song, C. Zhao-Hui, Z. Weng-Wei, H. Hai-Feng, Processing and characterization of three-dimensional carbon fiber reinforced Si–O–C com￾posites via precursor pyrolysis, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 352 (2003) 212–216. [7] S. Zhou, S. 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