先进材料疑固实验室 Momentum transfer Laboratory of Advanced Materials Solidification The equation for momentum transport is Newton's Law of Viscosity written as follows: dpvx 【=-V02 where is the flux of x-directed momentum in the z direction,v is kinematic viscosity,np,the momentum diffusivity,z is the distance of transport or diffusion,p is the density,and n is the viscosity. Newton's Law is the simplest relationship between the flux of momentum and the velocity gradient. 上浒充通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITYMomentum transfer The equation for momentum transport is Newton's Law of Viscosity written as follows: where τzx is the flux of x-directed momentum in the z direction, ν is kinematic viscosity, η/ρ, the momentum diffusivity, z is the distance of transport or diffusion, ρ is the density, and η is the viscosity. Newton’s Law is the simplest relationship between the flux of momentum and the velocity gradient