found them stone. Falling on his knees and stretching out his hands to Perseus, but turning his head away he begged for mercy. Take all, said he, give me but my life Base coward, said Perseus, "thus much I will grant you, no weapon shall touch you moreover, you shall be preserved in my house as a memorial of these events. So saying, he held the Gorgons head to the side where Phineus was looking, and in the very form in which he knelt, with his hands outstretched and face averted he became fixed immovably, a mass of stone NOTES 1漂流地:漫无目的地 2表达;传达;运输;转移 3.损毁(蹂躏:使….荒废;使….成废墟) 竞争 5惊呆的;石化的 6阿特拉斯(希腊神话中受罚以 双肩掮天的巨人);珀尔修斯是 宙斯与达那厄之子,他砍下美杜 莎的头后装进袋子,然后去阿特 拉斯的宫殿请求栖息之地。而阿 特拉斯担心金果实被盗,狠心地 将珀尔修斯赶出宫殿。于是珀尔 修斯把美杜莎的头拿出来,伸向 国王阿特拉斯,于是阿特拉斯变 成一块石头。因为阿特拉斯特别 高大,而变成一座山,这座山就 是非洲北部的阿特拉斯山脉 7蛇发女怪;丑陋女人 8体积;容积:大块;大部分;大批 9著名的;杰出的 0.下降;下坡:家世;血统;侵袭;衰落:继承 11.〈古〉走开 12刺;插入;推挤 13.(有时作贬义或作反语)屈尊;施惠于人;赐予 14毁坏;破坏;掠夺 15安抚;缓和;平息;姑息 16吞食:毁灭;贪婪地阅读 7空中的:空气的;航空的;空想的 18不值得的;不配受到的 9.恳求;乞求 20.裂开;分开(尤指沿天然纹理);使分开;穿过;依恋或忠实;粘着 21.名望;声誉 22有利的:适合的;吉利的 23英勇;勇猛 4嫁妆:天资62 found them stone. Falling on his knees and stretching out his hands to Perseus, but turning his head away he begged for mercy. “Take all,” said he, “give me but my life.” “Base coward,” said Perseus, “thus much I will grant you; no weapon shall touch you; moreover, you shall be preserved in my house as a memorial of these events.” So saying, he held the Gorgon’s head to the side where Phineus was looking, and in the very form in which he knelt, with his hands outstretched and face averted, he became fixed immovably, a mass of stone! NOTES 1.漂流地;漫无目的地 2.表达;传达;运输;转移 3.损毁(蹂躏; 使 ... 荒废; 使 ... 成废墟) 4.竞争 5.惊呆的;石化的 6.阿特拉斯(希腊神话中受罚以 双肩掮天的巨人);珀尔修斯是 宙斯与达那厄之子,他砍下美杜 莎的头后装进袋子,然后去阿特 拉斯的宫殿请求栖息之地。而阿 特拉斯担心金果实被盗,狠心地 将珀尔修斯赶出宫殿。于是珀尔 修斯把美杜莎的头拿出来,伸向 国王阿特拉斯,于是阿特拉斯变 成一块石头。因为阿特拉斯特别 高大,而变成一座山,这座山就 是非洲北部的阿特拉斯山脉。 7.蛇发女怪;丑陋女人 8.体积;容积;大块;大部分;大批 9.著名的;杰出的 10.下降;下坡;家世;血统;侵袭;衰落;继承 11.〈古〉走开 12.刺;插入;推挤 13.(有时作贬义或作反语)屈尊;施惠于人;赐予 14.毁坏;破坏;掠夺 15.安抚;缓和;平息;姑息 16.吞食;毁灭;贪婪地阅读 17.空中的;空气的;航空的;空想的 18.不值得的;不配受到的 19.恳求;乞求 20.裂开;分开(尤指沿天然纹理);使分开;穿过;依恋或忠实;粘着 21.名望;声誉 22.有利的;适合的;吉利的 23.英勇;勇猛 24.嫁妆;天资
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