Scenario P1:Class clz=Class.forName("string constant"); FORNAME(inUo)← SCALL(invo,mtd),MTDSTRING(mtd, "java.lang.Class:java.lang.Class forName(java.lang.String)"). RESOLVEDCLASSTYPE(inUo,type)← FoRNAME(invo),ACTUALARG(invo,1,arg), VARPOINTSTo(arg,const),STRINGToCLASS(const,type). CALLGRAPH(invo,clinit),VARPOINTSTo(clz,clzHeap)+ RESOLVEDCLASSTYPE(invo,type),TYPE-CLASSHEAP(type,clzHeap), MTDSTRING(clinit,type.toString()+".<clinit>()"),ACTUALRETURN(invo,clz). Scenario P2:Object obj clz.newInstance(); NEWINSTANCE(invo,clz)+ VCALL(invo,clz,mtd),MTDSTRINC(mtd,"java.lang.Class:java.lang.Object newInstance()"). CALLGRAPH(invo,init),HEAPTYPE(heap,type), VARPOINTSTo(this,heap),VARPOINTSTo(obj,heap) NEWINSTANCE(invo,clz).VARPOINTSTo(clz,clzHeap),TYPE-CLASSHEAP(type,clzHeap), NEwINSTANCEHEAP(type,heap),MTDSTRING(init,type.toString()+"<init>()"). THISVAR(init,this),ACTUALRETURN(invo,obj). Scenario P3:Field f =clz.getField("string constant"); GETFIELD(invo,clz) VCALL(invo,clz,mtd),MTDSTRING(mtd, "java.lang.Class:java.lang.reflect.Field getField(java.lang.String)"). RESOLVEDFIELD(invo,Ad) GeTFIELD(invo,clz),VARPOINTSTo(clz,clzHeap), TYPE-CLASSHEAP(type,clzHeap),ACTUALARC(invo,1,arg), VARPOINTSTo(arg,fldName),PUBLICFLD(type,fldName,fd). VARPOINTSTo(f,fdHeap) ReSOLVEDFIELD(invo,fld),FLD-FLDHEAP(fld,fdHeap),AcTUALRETURN(invo,f). Scenario P4:Object to f.get(obj); GEr(inpo,f)←- VCALL(invo,f,mtd),MTDSTRING(mtd, "java.lang.refect.Field:java.lang.Object get(java.lang.Object)"). VARPOINTSTo(to,valHeap) GET(invo,f),VARPOINTSTo(f,AdHeap),FLD-FLDHEAP(Ald,fdHeap), ACTUALARG(invo,1,obj),VARPOINTSTo(obj:baseHeap), FLDPOINTSTo(baseHeap,Ad,valHeap),ACTUALRETURN(invo,to). call is handled,identically as in Doop [4]but differently from 8],which approx- imates its target methods by disregarding the target object obj,on which the target methods are called. 4.3 Target Inference When a target method/field name or a target class type is unknown,ELF will in- fer the missing information,symbolized by red and blue circles along the dashed arrows in Figure 5.Below we give the Datalog rules for four representative sce- narios (out of a total of 73 scenarios mentioned earlier for target inference). Scenario I1:Class clz1 =CLass.forName(?);Aa =(A)clz2.newInstance(). The post-dominating cast (A)is used to infer the target class types of the objects reflectively created and pointed to by a,where clz2 points to a Class object of an unknown type that is initially pointed to by cll.Scenario P1: Class clz = Class.forName(“string constant”); ForName(invo) ← Scall(invo, mtd), MtdString(mtd, “java.lang.Class: java.lang.Class forName(java.lang.String)”). ResolvedClassType(invo, type) ← ForName(invo), ActualArg(invo, 1, arg), VarPointsTo(arg, const), StringToClass(const, type). CallGraph(invo, clinit), VarPointsTo(clz, clzHeap) ← ResolvedClassType(invo, type), Type-ClassHeap(type, clzHeap), MtdString(clinit, type.toString()+“.<clinit>()”), ActualReturn(invo, clz ). Scenario P2: Object obj = clz.newInstance(); NewInstance(invo, clz ) ← Vcall(invo, clz, mtd), MtdString(mtd, “java.lang.Class: java.lang.Object newInstance()”). CallGraph(invo, init), HeapType(heap, type), VarPointsTo(this, heap), VarPointsTo(obj, heap) ← NewInstance(invo, clz ), VarPointsTo(clz, clzHeap), Type-ClassHeap(type, clzHeap), NewInstanceHeap(type, heap), MtdString(init, type.toString()+“.<init>()”), ThisVar(init, this), ActualReturn(invo, obj ). Scenario P3: Field f = clz.getField(“string constant”); GetField(invo, clz ) ← Vcall(invo, clz, mtd), MtdString(mtd, “java.lang.Class: java.lang.reflect.Field getField(java.lang.String)”). ResolvedField(invo, fld) ← GetField(invo, clz ), VarPointsTo(clz, clzHeap), Type-ClassHeap(type, clzHeap), ActualArg(invo, 1, arg), VarPointsTo(arg, fldName), PublicFld(type, fldName, fld). VarPointsTo(f, fldHeap) ← ResolvedField(invo, fld), Fld-FldHeap(fld, fldHeap), ActualReturn(invo, f ). Scenario P4: Object to = f.get(obj); Get(invo, f ) ← Vcall(invo, f, mtd), MtdString(mtd, “java.lang.reflect.Field: java.lang.Object get(java.lang.Object)”). VarPointsTo(to, valHeap) ← Get(invo, f ), VarPointsTo(f, fldHeap), Fld-FldHeap(fld, fldHeap), ActualArg(invo, 1, obj ), VarPointsTo(obj, baseHeap), FldPointsTo(baseHeap, fld, valHeap), ActualReturn(invo, to). call is handled, identically as in Doop [4] but differently from [8], which approx￾imates its target methods by disregarding the target object obj, on which the target methods are called. 4.3 Target Inference When a target method/field name or a target class type is unknown, Elf will in￾fer the missing information, symbolized by red and blue circles along the dashed arrows in Figure 5. Below we give the Datalog rules for four representative sce￾narios (out of a total of 73 scenarios mentioned earlier for target inference). Scenario I1: Class clz1 = Class.forName(?); A a = (A) clz2.newInstance(). The post-dominating cast (A) is used to infer the target class types of the objects reflectively created and pointed to by a, where clz2 points to a Class object of an unknown type that is initially pointed to by clz1
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