Petroleum science 2004 He-8 Type-I wave shape(Su-20 well) Type-l wave shape(Su-29 well) Type-llI wave shape( Su-26 well) He-8 with sandstone thickness He-8 with sandstone thickness He-& with sandstone thickness from 15 to 30n Fig. 4 Typical reflection model in the He-8 reservoir of the Sulige area He& m”以 L98636 Fig. 5 The seislog reverse impedance section on the L98636 line in the Sulige Temple investment and improving the economic benefits of 4.3 Effects of seismic exploration technology exploration Successful drilling exploration in Yulin and eismic data obtained in past three years have Sulige Temple areas shows that, for the subtle low- provided 85 well locations for gas exploration, among permeability reservoirs in Changqing, long well which 62 have seen industrious gas flows. Compared distance exploration by using techniques of seIsmIc of reservoir reservoir prediction on the basis of geological thickness prediction has increased from 75.3%to.6% system analysis and research, may help find and and the success rate of exploration wells from 67.9%to effectively control the distribution area of such 72.9% reservoirs, which is also a key to saving exploration o1994-2007ChinaAcademicJournalElectronicPublishingHouse.Allrightsreservedhttp://www.cnki.net116 Petroleum Science 2004 Type- wave shape (Su-20 well) He-8 with sandstone thickness >30m Type- wave shape (Su-29 well) He-8 with sandstone thickness from 15 to 30m Type- wave shape (Su-26 well) He-8 with sandstone thickness <15m Fig. 4 Typical reflection model in the He-8 reservoir of the Sulige area Fig. 5 The seislog reverse impedance section on the L98636 line in the Sulige Temple area 4.3 Effects of seismic exploration technology Successful drilling exploration in Yulin and Sulige Temple areas shows that, for the subtle low￾permeability reservoirs in Changqing, long well distance exploration by using techniques of seismic reservoir prediction on the basis of geological system analysis and research, may help find and effectively control the distribution area of such reservoirs, which is also a key to saving exploration investment and improving the economic benefits of exploration. Seismic data obtained in past three years have provided 85 well locations for gas exploration, among which 62 have seen industrious gas flows. Compared with that before 1999, the accuracy of reservoir thickness prediction has increased from 75.3% to 82.6% and the success rate of exploration wells from 67.9% to 72.9%
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