UC DAVIS Ranking by total R&D expenditures Agricultural Sciences Ist Biological Sciences 6th Life Sciences 11th Environmental Sciences 15th Social Sciences 27h Source:National Science Foundation st in Veterinary Medicine "Live Long and Live Well UC Davis: A growing International Initiative Focus Creating nutritious foods Advancing cures for diseases Office of University Outreach and International Programs Solving mysteries of the human brain Nearly half of UC Davis'faculty involved in international activities Enriching the spirit through the arts Seeking active cooperative agreements with international institutions Currently over 3.300 international students and scholars on campus More than 5.200 international almni and previous scholars worldwide Powering the Future Exploring new energy technologies ·Making traditional energy sources more UC D a v is efficient ·Poised for pre- eminence in energy FOOD SCIENCE and water,energy and agricultre,and energy and the TECHNOLOGY HYDROGEN HIGHWAY LAUNCH EVENT 22 UC DAVIS Ranking by total R&D expenditures Source: National Science Foundation 1st in Veterinary Medicine Social Sciences 27th Environmental Sciences 15th Life Sciences 11th Biological Sciences 6th Agricultural Sciences 1st UC Davis: A growing International Focus • Office of University Outreach and International Programs • Nearly half of UC Davis’ faculty involved in international activities • Seeking active cooperative agreements with international institutions • Currently over 3,300 international students and scholars on campus • More than 5,200 international alumni and previous scholars worldwide “Live Long and Live Well” Initiative • Creating nutritious foods • Advancing cures for diseases • Solving mysteries of the human brain • Enriching the spirit through the arts Powering the Future • Exploring new energy technologies • Making traditional energy sources more efficient • Poised for pre￾eminence in energy and water, energy and agriculture, and energy and the environment HYDROGEN HIGHWAY LAUNCH EVENT
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