nasa ma*rix33 0% 1% doduc 5% SPAce benchmarks fp 9% gcc 5% eqntott 10% 0%2%4%6%8%1012%14%16%18% FIGURE 3.8 Prediction accuracy of a 4096-entry two-bit prediction buffer for the SPEC89 benchmarks. The misprediction rate for the integer benchmarks(gcc, espresso eqntott, and li) is substantially higher (average of 11%)than that for the FP programs(aver- age of 4 %). Even omitting the FP kernels(nasa7, matrix 300, and tomcatv) still yields a higher accuracy for the FP benchmarks than for the integer benchmarks. These data, as well as the rest of the data in this section, are taken from a branch prediction study done using the IBM Power architecture and optimized code for that system. See Pan et al. [1992]. 计算机体系结构 Chapter4 3.12计算机体系结构 Chapter4_3.12
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