2006-2007下二级单元测试 21.A)They found the people diligent. B)They found it difficult to rent acar. C)They found the food tasty. D)They found Rio a developing citv 22.A)Managing to eat a bit less than before res C)Buying fod in grocery f than before D)Cooking their own meals all the time 23.A)Their first trip was more enjoyable than their second one B)The second trip is cheaper but more pleasant than the first. C)The second trip cost them alittle more than their first one. D)They failed to make both ends meet this year. Passage Questions 24to 26 are based on the passage you have just heard. 24.A)What to do in an emergency B)How to meet people in social situations. C)When to make changes in our personality. D)How to help our friends in need. 25.A)Talk about the weather. C)Start todis D)Keep looking over the other person'sshoulder 26.A)Most people like people who like themselves. B)One should not appear too sure of himself in meeting other people C)Appearing friendly is not always good for social relationships D)One should give his undivided attention to the other person during the first few minutes of the contact Passage lll Questions 27t030 are based on the passage youhave just heard. 27.A)They never take care of their children even when at home B)Their being away from home puts a pressure on family life. C)They make it entirely impossible for wives to make any plan beforehand. D)Their careless driving habits keep wives worrying a great deal about their safety 28.A)It is likely to caus accident C)They can't get to their destination on time D)They can't finish their work ahead of time B)The onside be hostile C)They often complain about thei bad driving habits D)They regard them as friends 30.A)He leads a carefree life. B)He isoften invited to parties. 3 2006—2007 下二级单元测试 3 21. A) They found the people diligent. B) They found it difficult to rent a car. C) They found the food tasty. D) They found Rio a developing city. 22. A) Managing to eat a bit less than before. B) Eating in cheap restaurants most of the time. C) Buying food in grocery stores more often than before. D) Cooking their own meals all the time. 23. A) Their first trip was more enjoyable than their second one. B) The second trip is cheaper but more pleasant than the first. C) The second trip cost them a little more than their first one. D) They failed to make both ends meet this year. Passage II Questions 24 to 26 are based on the passage you have just heard. 24. A) What to do in an emergency. B) How to meet people in social situations. C) When to make changes in our personality. D) How to help our friends in need. 25. A) Talk about the weather. B) Feel interested in the other person. C) Start to discuss some social problems. D) Keep looking over the other person’s shoulder. 26. A) Most people like people who like themselves. B) One should not appear too sure of himself in meeting other people. C) Appearing friendly is not always good for social relationships. D) One should give his undivided attention to the other person during the first few minutes of the contact. Passage III Questions 27 to 30 are based on the passage you have just heard. 27. A) They never take care of their children even when at home. B) Their being away from home puts a pressure on family life. C) They make it entirely impossible for wives to make any plan beforehand. D) Their careless driving habits keep wives worrying a great deal about their safety. 28. A) It is likely to cause an accident. B) It takes a highly skilled driver to do that. C) They can’t get to their destination on time. D) They can’t finish their work ahead of time. 29. A) They have a high opinion of them. B) They consider them to be hostile. C) They often complain about their bad driving habits. D) They regard them as friends. 30. A) He leads a carefree life. B) He is often invited to parties
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