1. supplement a补充物th. extra that is added to make sth. better(cn) b增补补充 add sth,esp. in large amounts(v) Examples: 程贫 增刊 圆区篮军正主又分子是 1. The newspap publishes a sports supplement every monday 2. They had to get a job to supnlement the family Income. 补贴,补充 l ew wordsExamples: 1. The newspaper publishes a sports supplement every Monday. 2. They had to get a job to supplement the family income. 1. supplement: a.补充物 sth. extra that is added to make sth. better ( c.n.) b.增补,补充 add sth., esp. in large amounts (vt.) I. New Words 增刊 补贴,补充
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