New horrors come upon him, Like our strange garments,cleave not to their mould But with the aid of use. MACBETH [Aside] Come what come may, Time and the hour runs through the roughest day. BANQUO Worthy Macbeth,we stay upon your leisure MACBETH Give me your favour:my dull brain was wrought With things forgotten.Kind gentlemen,your pains Are register'd where every day I turn The leaf to read them.Let us toward the king. Think upon what hath chanced,and,at more time, The interim having weigh'd it,let us speak Our free hearts each to other. BANQUO Very gladly. MACBETH Till then,enough.Come,friends. [Exeunt] Scene 4 [Forres.The palace.]New horrors come upon him, Like our strange garments, cleave not to their mould But with the aid of use. MACBETH [Aside] Come what come may, Time and the hour runs through the roughest day. BANQUO Worthy Macbeth, we stay upon your leisure. MACBETH Give me your favour: my dull brain was wrought With things forgotten. Kind gentlemen, your pains Are register'd where every day I turn The leaf to read them. Let us toward the king. Think upon what hath chanced, and, at more time, The interim having weigh'd it, let us speak Our free hearts each to other. BANQUO Very gladly. MACBETH Till then, enough. Come, friends. [Exeunt] Scene 4 [Forres. The palace.]
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