Domain Eukarya Animalia:Multicellular;no cell walls; chemoheterotrophic Plantae:Multicellular;cellulose cell walls;usually photoautotrophic Fungi:Chemoheterotrophic;unicellular or multicellular; cell walls of chitin;develop from spores or hyphal fragments Protista:A catchall for eukaryotic organisms that do not fit other kingdoms • Animalia: Multicellular; no cell walls; chemoheterotrophic • Plantae: Multicellular; cellulose cell walls; usually photoautotrophic • Fungi: Chemoheterotrophic; unicellular or multicellular; cell walls of chitin; develop from spores or hyphal fragments • Protista: A catchall for eukaryotic organisms that do not fit other kingdoms Domain Eukarya
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