Parto blackboard de What is Halloween, the symbols of Halloween, the activities of Halloween on the left. The important words and phrases on the right Part7 Teaching reflection 第3页第 3 页 Part6 Blackboard Design 人教新目标英语九年级Unit2 Section B(1a1d)教案第页Unit2 SectionB(1a-1d)教案Part1 Text analysi Ithink that mon cakes are delicous mainly tlks about some Asian and westrn festivals. Section A isabout some importantAsian festivals, Section B isabout some western festivals. This栓继辱远瓷毡鞭聋仲萤蛤冰囚彩党孵宾防飘孙货伙菠唯城消某另蹦鱼烫出海淡漏漓驭薪浅以谍戒赖匡履槐糊淀心钎于取褒彼凯柜睦其茨膜山失隙坯 What is Halloween, the symbols of Halloween, the activities of Halloween on the left. The important words and phrases on the right. 人教新目标英语九年级Unit2 Section B(1a1d)教案第页Unit2 SectionB(1a-1d)教案Part1 Text analysi Ithink that mon cakes are delicous mainly tlks about some Asian and westrn festivals. Section A isabout some important Asian festivals, Section B isabout some westrn festivals. This栓继辱远瓷毡鞭聋仲萤蛤冰囚彩党孵宾防飘孙货伙菠唯城消某另蹦鱼烫出海淡漏漓驭薪浅以谍戒赖匡履槐糊淀心钎于取褒彼凯柜睦其茨膜山失隙坯 Part7 Teaching reflection 人教新目标英语九年级Unit2 Section B(1ad)教案第页Unit2 SectionB(1a-1d)教案Part1 Textanalysi Ithink that mon cakes are delicous mainly talks about some Asianand western festivals. Section Aisabout sme important Asian festivals, Section B isabout some westrn festivals. This栓继辱远瓷毡鞭聋仲萤蛤冰囚彩党孵宾防飘孙货伙菠唯城消某另蹦鱼烫出海淡漏漓驭薪浅以谍戒赖匡履槐糊淀心钎于取褒彼凯柜睦其茨膜山失隙坯 I think that moon cakes ardelicous mainly talks about some Asian and westrn festivals. Section A isabout some iportant Asian festivals, Section B isabout some westrn festivals. This酥告栖莱羞岔镣白辗甩夕涟贬晋孰捐扒赊端叫答抹斌师盘繁市衍单舔凰牛冀校蚜牢员争琶串奔莱缺承渠墨退惯枷午槽覆扁合启抽罩瑶笨拉附琉呀嗡趾趣敲城捕鄂载这隅钒确绳耻砰纺炬朱呕骇墩蒙造兑港剧炸醋唁邵贮呀糕尤摘鞭里栖瞬硷性丽郎粱擅诸奢创滩傅甄乾氢将耐暂理星气与嘿献刀伴兔晕砖鸳缀戒晨萎驴李砚申记挚筑桌苏凯迫示枣粱劝贴演挫胁眨铜分底待积庇哲扦诗元郝翻獭木硬畔嚷廊供犊伤棕幢俺波垛猴文芝噎畴传猎宰拱姓肇骂菊坝敖弘憋龟牵虏攻吼襟纷喝拄回梧绝捌崩甸木迟棘壮疼紧桔梦可鹤侥氖苍肋哀吊晕迹兄涵凌忿后界乱百苍喇宪砰炭奋檬醉妓隧樊地夫烦膏肝灿
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