farm or cooked at home for their families. People didn't have a 27.h diet. They knew less about 28 m and that made life less healthy. They didn 't live as long 29. a do today. There were no buses or cars. People went to work 30.0 foot or by bike. So they took more 31.e Today more and more people use their own cars. They walk 32.1 become lazier And faster transport makes more33 p In the past, the families were very big People lived in a small house. They cooked on the fire Now there are many tall buildings to 34.1 n. Life is better than it was in the past V.书面表达(25分) 假设某中学生英文报开展关于生活变化的征文活动,请你根据下表所提示的要点,以 hanges in our life”为题,用英语为该报写一篇9词左右的文章,简述社会、家庭、学校及 个人生活中的若干变化,展望未来生活及如何为此努力 家乡 小路→大路(或自拟一点内容) 生活 步行、骑车→乘车、开车(或自拟一点内容) 变化 学校 旧校区→新的教学楼(或自拟一点内容) 个人 仅通过书本学习→通过电脑学习(或自拟一点内容) 愿望 加美好的生活(或自拟一点内容,说明自己的理想生活) 打算 自拟一至两点内容,说明将如何为实现自己的愿望而努力farm or cooked at home for their families. People didn't have a 27.h________ diet. They knew less about 28.m________, and that made life less healthy. They didn't live as long 29.a________ we do today. There were no buses or cars. People went to work 30.o________ foot or by bike. So they took more 31.e________. Today more and more people use their own cars. They walk 32.l________ and become lazier. And faster transport makes more33.p________. In the past, the families were very big. People lived in a small house. They cooked on the fire. Now there are many tall buildings to 34.l________ in. Life is better than it was in the past, 35.i________ it? Ⅴ.书面表达(25 分) 假设某中学生英文报开展关于生活变化的征文活动,请你根据下表所提示的要点,以 “Changes in our life”为题,用英语为该报写一篇 90 词左右的文章,简述社会、家庭、学校及 个人生活中的若干变化,展望未来生活及如何为此努力。 变化 家乡 小路→大路(或自拟一点内容) 生活 步行、骑车→乘车、开车 (或自拟一点内容) 学校 旧校区→新的教学楼 (或自拟一点内容) 个人 仅通过书本学习→通过电脑学习 (或自拟一点内容) 愿望 更加美好的生活(或自拟一点内容,说明自己的理想生活) 打算 自拟一至两点内容,说明将如何为实现自己的愿望而努力
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