Introduction 3 and for this reason 2D laminates can not be used in structures supporting high through- thickness or interlaminar shear loads 150 145 GPa In-Plane Property Through-Thickness Property 125 100 76 GPa 75 50 45 GPa 25 10 GPa 12 GPa 6 GPa Carbon/Epoxy E-glass/Epoxy Kevlar/Epoxy (a) In-Plane Proper ty 1400 Through-Thickness Proper ty 1240 MPa 1240nP3 1200 102084Pa (edW) 1000 800 600 400 200 41MPa 40 MPa 30MP9 Carbon/Epoxy E-glass/Epoxy Kevlar/Epoxy (b) Figure 1.2 Comparison of in-plane and through-thickness mechanical properties of some engineering composites.Introduction 3 1200 2 1000- 2 5 800 v cn c ; 000- 200: W S - '5 400 0- and for this reason 2D laminates can not be used in structures supporting high through￾thickness or interlaminar shear loads. - - - W cn c W - .- I- 125 - 100 - 75 - 50 - 25 - 0- + L 6 GPa CarbodEpoxy E-glass/Epoxy Kevlar/Epoxy 1400 r In-Plane Property 0 Through-Thickness Property 1240 MPa CarbonIEpoxy + E-glass/Epoxy + 1240 MPa Kevlar/Epoxy Figure 1.2 Comparison of in-plane and through-thickness mechanical properties of some engineering composites
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