dynamic (adj.):(often apprec.)(of people or ideas,etc.full of or producing power and activity *e.g.The employer was delighted that he had found a suitable dynamic person to carry out the arduous undertaking.生气勃勃 的:,充满激情与活力active费劲的,辛勤的, 险峻的 Marked by intensity and vigor;:forceful.强有 力的 The committee members called for a dynamic solution to the problem of homelessness.v dynamic (adj.): (often apprec. ) (of people or ideas, etc. ) full of or producing power and activity v e. g. The employer was delighted that he had found a suitable dynamic person to carry out the arduous undertaking. 生气勃勃 的:充满激情与活力active费劲的, 辛勤的, 险峻的 v Marked by intensity and vigor; forceful. 强有 力的 v The committee members called for a dynamic solution to the problem of homelessness