2015/10/3 Reference wind pressure For envelop elements Nominal value 1 %-2m w4=B44, wo-reference wind pressure(kN/m2); 50years retum period; Bgust factor at a height of z: P-air density.nominal value 1.25kg/m3 -shape factor of wind load; thus,1600 -exposure factor for wind pressure. Exposure factor for wind pressure-z ores,lake shores and s.villages,forests s with At a height of 10m yB21 Exposure factor for ind pressure--μz Wind pressure distribution 本课件版权归作者所有,仅供个人学习使用, 请勿转载。 1 2015/10/3 7 For envelop elements: Nominal value w0 — reference wind pressure(kN/m2 ); gz— gust factor at a height of z; s — shape factor of wind load; Z — exposure factor for wind pressure. wk  gz sz  0 Reference wind pressure v0 — Maximum mean wind speed in 10 minutes for flat open ground, at a height of 10m, 50years return period;  — air density, nominal value 1.25kg/m3 thus, For skyscrapers, the v0 shall be adopted with recurrence interval 100years. 2 0 0 2 1  vw 2 0 0 1600 1  vw Exposure factor for wind pressure— Z Field roughness: Category A: sea shores, lake shores and deserts; Category B:open fields, villages, forests; Category C:urban districts in densely￾populated cities; Category D:densely-populated cities with high building urban districts. At a height of 10m, category B:  Z =1 Exposure factor for wind pressure— Z Exposure factor for wind pressure— Z Wind pressure distribution 2 0 0 2 1  vw 本课件版权归作者所有,仅供个人学习使用,请勿转载
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