Understand the limitations on advertising freedom Plan a brochure launch or similar promotional event Chapter 10 Law for tour operators (2 periods) Understand the unique difficulties tour operators face in ensuring their products comply with UK and EU law. List the main laws of concern to tour operators. Key points include Explain how breaches of these laws would be handled Explain the development of consumer protection law Describe the content of these laws Describe the industry bodies which have developed to represent the industry and to protect Chapter 11 Tour operating in its environment (2 periods Identify those factors outside the tour operators control which can nevertheless have a major impact on their businesses. Assess the socio-economic, cultural and environmental impacts tour operators' actions have on the destinations they feature. Key points include Suggest ways in which the adverse effects of tour operating can be reduced eminar two: Marketing techniques of tour operators (2 periods) 三、教材參考目录( Textbook and references Textbook: The Business of Tour Operations, Pat Yale, Longman Group Ltd, 1995 References 1. TOURISM: Principles, Practices, Philosophies, By MelntoshGoeldner/Ritehie, JOHN WiLEY soNs 1995 2. HOW TO RESEARCH AND WRITE A THESIS IN HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM, By James M. Poynter, JOHN WILEY SoNS, 1993 3. TOURISM, A NEW PERSPECTIVE, By Peter M. Burns and Andrew Holden, PRENTICE HALL UK, 1995 4. Tourism Management, David Weaver Martin Oppermann, John wiley Sons, 2000 5. Tourism Management, edited by Chris Ryan& Stephen Page, Pergamon, 20004 ⚫ Understand the limitations on advertising freedom ⚫ Plan a brochure launch or similar promotional event Chapter 10 Law for tour operators(2 periods) Understand the unique difficulties tour operators face in ensuring their products comply with UK and EU law. List the main laws of concern to tour operators. Key points include: ⚫ Explain how breaches of these laws would be handled ⚫ Explain the development of consumer protection law ⚫ Describe the content of these laws ⚫ Describe the industry bodies which have developed to represent the industry and to protect consumers Chapter 11 Tour operating in its environment(2 periods) Identify those factors outside the tour operators’ control which can nevertheless have a major impact on their businesses. Assess the socio-economic, cultural and environmental impacts tour operators’ actions have on the destinations they feature. Key points include: ⚫ Suggest ways in which the adverse effects of tour operating can be reduced Seminar two: Marketing techniques of tour operators(2 periods) 三、教材和参考书目录 ( Textbook and references) Textbook: The Business of Tour Operations, Pat Yale, Longman Group Ltd., 1995 References: 1. TOURISM: Principles, Practices, Philosophies, By MeIntosh/Goeldner/Ritehie, JOHN WILEY & SONS, 1995 2. HOW TO RESEARCH AND WRITE A THESIS IN HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM, By James M. Poynter, JOHN WILEY & SONS, 1993 3. TOURISM, A NEW PERSPECTIVE, By Peter M. Burns and Andrew Holden, PRENTICE HALL, UK, 1995 4. Tourism Management, David Weaver & Martin Oppermann, John Wiley & Sons, 2000 5. Tourism Management, edited by Chris Ryan & Stephen Page, Pergamon, 2000
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