3 Jumps 4.Calls and returs 5.Programming examples:branch,loop,subroutines and arithmetic operation Objectives:(1)Understand the function and range of jump and call instructions,(2)Use the bit and byte conditional jump opcodes.and unconditional jump opcodes:(3)Write and call subroutines.(4) Master the use of jump and call instructions to change the program flow through programming examples (5)Master assembly language programming structure,including the sequential,branch and loop program 本章学习内容对应学习目标3(支撑毕业要求指标点3.3)、学习目标4(支撑毕业要求指标 点4.1)、学习目标5(支撑毕业要求指标点10.3)。 第九章:单片机应用 APPLICATIONS 1.Interrupt system 2.Timer/counter 3.Serial port 4.Labson traffic lights Objectives:(1)Understand the concept and master the use of interrupt system;(2)Understand the concept and master the use of Timer/Counter,()Understand the concept and master the use of seria port. 本章学习内容对应学习目标3(支撑毕业要求指标点33)、学习目标4(支撑毕业要求指标 点4.1)、学习目标5(支撑毕业要求指标点10.3)。 第十章实验和小组课题 Labs and Group Project Student groups are required to demonstrate and discuss the solutions of the projects on the real-world applications of. Objeetives:Comprehensive understanding and use of knowledge learned in this course to solve real-world applications 本章学习内容对应学习目标3(支撑毕业要求指标点3.3)、学习目标4(支撑毕业要求指标 点4.1)、学习目标5(10.3)、学习目标6(支撑毕业要求指标点9.2)。 五、建议教学进度 章节名称 学时数 1、微处理器和微控制器 2、数制系统和二进制算术 3、8051微控制器的硬件结构 4、汇编语言编程基础 5、数据传送指令 6、逻辑运算指令 7 3.Jumps 4.Calls and returns 5. Programming examples: branch, loop, subroutines and arithmetic operation Objectives: (1) Understand the function and range of jump and call instructions; (2) Use the bit and byte conditional jump opcodes, and unconditional jump opcodes; (3) Write and call subroutines. (4) Master the use of jump and call instructions to change the program flow through programming examples; (5) Master assembly language programming structure, including the sequential, branch and loop program. 本章学习内容对应学习目标 3(支撑毕业要求指标点 3.3)、学习目标 4(支撑毕业要求指标 点 4.1)、学习目标 5(支撑毕业要求指标点 10.3)。 第九章:单片机应用 APPLICATIONS 1. Interrupt system 2. Timer/counter 3. Serial port 4. Labs on traffic lights Objectives: (1) Understand the concept and master the use of interrupt system; (2) Understand the concept and master the use of Timer/Counter; (3) Understand the concept and master the use of serial port. 本章学习内容对应学习目标 3(支撑毕业要求指标点 3.3)、学习目标 4(支撑毕业要求指标 点 4.1)、学习目标 5(支撑毕业要求指标点 10.3)。 第十章实验和小组课题 Labs and Group Project Student groups are required to demonstrate and discuss the solutions of the projects on the real-world applications of microcontroller. Objectives: Comprehensive understanding and use of knowledge learned in this course to solve real-world applications 本章学习内容对应学习目标 3(支撑毕业要求指标点 3.3)、学习目标 4(支撑毕业要求指标 点 4.1)、学习目标 5(10.3)、学习目标 6(支撑毕业要求指标点 9.2)。 五、建议教学进度 章节名称 学时数 1、微处理器和微控制器 1 2、数制系统和二进制算术 2 3、8051 微控制器的硬件结构 6 4、汇编语言编程基础 2 5、数据传送指令 4 6、逻辑运算指令 1 7
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