Basic requirements for dimensioning 标注尺寸的基本要求 2. Basic rules of dimensioning标注尺寸的基本规定 1)The true size of the spare part is based on the dimension marked on the drawing and has nothing to do with the size of the drawing and the accuracy of the drawings. 机件的真实大小应以图样上所注的尺寸数值为依据,与图形的大小无关。 2)There is no need to mark the unit of dimensions if it is "mm".One only needs to mark the dimensions if the units are not“mm”,such as“cm”or30 图样中尺寸以毫米为单位时不需标注计量单位的代号或名称。若采用其 他单位则必须注明相应的计量单位的代号或名称如cm(厘米)、30°度)等。 3)All dimensions marked on the drawing are dimensions of the final part.Otherwise one needs to clearly indicate on the drawing. 所标注的尺寸数字应为该图样所示机件的最后完工的尺寸否则应另加说明 4)Each dimension of the part should mark on the drawing only once.It should also be marked on a drawing that most clearly represents the corresponding constructs. 机件的每一尺寸,在图上只标注一次应标注在反映该结构最清晰的图形上 请点击鼠标左键显示后面内容 3
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