D0L:10.13374h.issnl001-053x.2011.06.019 第33卷第6期 北京科技大学学报 Vol.33 No.6 2011年6月 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing Jun.2011 钒钛烧结料床竖向不均匀烧结 白永强程树森四 北京科技大学治金与生态工程学院,北京100083 ☒通信作者,E-mail:chengsusen@metall.usth.edu.cn 摘要通过对钒钛烧结料床的不同料层进行测温,研究了不同深度烧结料成矿过程的温度变化曲线,利用火焰前锋速度和 成矿前锋速度两个参数评价了台车竖向烧结的不均匀程度.结果表明:随着料层深度的增加,火焰前锋和成矿前锋迁移速度 下降,说明台车下部料床的结构变化大,烧结透气性恶化:加强偏析布料效果,增大台车下部料粒的平均粒度和热态强度,对 提高钒钛矿烧结利用系数至关重要.同时,对不同深度处的烧结矿进行矿相分析表明,钒钛烧结矿由磁铁矿、赤铁矿、铁酸钙、 硅酸钙、钙钛矿和玻璃相六种主要矿物组成,随着料层深度的增加,磁铁矿、硅酸钙和钙钛矿含量增多,铁酸钙和赤铁矿含量 下降. 关键词钒钛磁铁矿;烧结:成矿:透气性:矿相分析 分类号T℉046.4 Inhomogeneous vertical sintering of a sintering feed bed for vanadium-titanium magnetite BAI Yong-qiang,CHENG Shu-sen School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China Corresponding author.E-mail:chengsusen@metall.ustb.edu.cn ABSTRACT Changes in temperature of vanadium-titanium magnetite sintering feed at different depths during mineralization processes were studied by measuring the temperature values of different sintering layers.Two quantitative parameters,flame front speed and min- eralization front speed,were defined to evaluate the inhomogeneous degree of vertical sintering.The results show that the flame front speed and mineralization front speed decrease with increasing layer depth,indicating that there is a serious structural change in the low- er region of the sintering feed bed and the sintering permeability deteriorates.Promoting the charge segregation and increasing the mean diameter and thermal intensity of quasi-particles in the lower region of the sintering feed bed are of great importance for enhancing the sinter productivity.Simultaneously,mineralogical analysis of sinters at different sintering layers show that the vanadium-titanium mag- netite sinter ore consists of magnetite,hematite,calcium ferrite,dicalcium silicate,perovskite,and vitreous mineral.With the layer depth increasing,the contents of magnetite,dicalcium silicate and perovskite increase,while the contents of hematite and calcium fer- rite decrease. KEY WORDS vanadium-titanium magnetite:sintering;mineralization:permeability:mineralogical analysis 钒钛磁铁矿是一种重要的铁矿石资源,其在垂直烧结速度小,烧结矿成品率低:烧结矿的强度 冶炼过程中可以生成高熔点碳氮化钛,起到保护 和低温还原粉化率则与原料的成分特点和成矿过 炉缸和延长高炉寿命的作用-习.但是,钒钛磁铁 程的热制度有关,钒钛磁铁精矿烧结过程中液相 矿烧结过程中存在许多问题,烧结机利用系数低, 生成量少,烧结矿强度较低,成品率不高,并且高 能耗大,烧结矿的冷态强度和低温还原粉化性能 含量T02和A山,03对改善烧结矿低温还原粉化性 较差.钒钛磁铁矿烧结利用系数低的原因是 能非常不利.为了提高烧结利用效率和烧结 收稿日期:201007-21 基金项目:“十一五”国家科技支撑计划资助项目(No.2006BAE03A01):国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.60872147)第 33 卷 第 6 期 2011 年 6 月 北京科技大学学报 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing Vol. 33 No. 6 Jun. 2011 钒钛烧结料床竖向不均匀烧结 白永强 程树森 北京科技大学冶金与生态工程学院,北京 100083 通信作者,E-mail: chengsusen@ metall. ustb. edu. cn 摘 要 通过对钒钛烧结料床的不同料层进行测温,研究了不同深度烧结料成矿过程的温度变化曲线,利用火焰前锋速度和 成矿前锋速度两个参数评价了台车竖向烧结的不均匀程度. 结果表明: 随着料层深度的增加,火焰前锋和成矿前锋迁移速度 下降,说明台车下部料床的结构变化大,烧结透气性恶化; 加强偏析布料效果,增大台车下部料粒的平均粒度和热态强度,对 提高钒钛矿烧结利用系数至关重要. 同时,对不同深度处的烧结矿进行矿相分析表明,钒钛烧结矿由磁铁矿、赤铁矿、铁酸钙、 硅酸钙、钙钛矿和玻璃相六种主要矿物组成,随着料层深度的增加,磁铁矿、硅酸钙和钙钛矿含量增多,铁酸钙和赤铁矿含量 下降. 关键词 钒钛磁铁矿; 烧结; 成矿; 透气性; 矿相分析 分类号 TF046. 4 Inhomogeneous vertical sintering of a sintering feed bed for vanadium-titanium magnetite BAI Yong-qiang,CHENG Shu-sen School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China Corresponding author,E-mail: chengsusen@ metall. ustb. edu. cn ABSTRACT Changes in temperature of vanadium-titanium magnetite sintering feed at different depths during mineralization processes were studied by measuring the temperature values of different sintering layers. Two quantitative parameters,flame front speed and min￾eralization front speed,were defined to evaluate the inhomogeneous degree of vertical sintering. The results show that the flame front speed and mineralization front speed decrease with increasing layer depth,indicating that there is a serious structural change in the low￾er region of the sintering feed bed and the sintering permeability deteriorates. Promoting the charge segregation and increasing the mean diameter and thermal intensity of quasi-particles in the lower region of the sintering feed bed are of great importance for enhancing the sinter productivity. Simultaneously,mineralogical analysis of sinters at different sintering layers show that the vanadium-titanium mag￾netite sinter ore consists of magnetite,hematite,calcium ferrite,dicalcium silicate,perovskite,and vitreous mineral. With the layer depth increasing,the contents of magnetite,dicalcium silicate and perovskite increase,while the contents of hematite and calcium fer￾rite decrease. KEY WORDS vanadium-titanium magnetite; sintering; mineralization; permeability; mineralogical analysis 收稿日期: 2010--07--21 基金项目:“十一五”国家科技支撑计划资助项目( No. 2006BAE03A01) ; 国家自然科学基金资助项目( No. 60872147) 钒钛磁铁矿是一种重要的铁矿石资源,其在 冶炼过程中可以生成高熔点碳氮化钛,起到保护 炉缸和延长高炉寿命的作用[1--2]. 但是,钒钛磁铁 矿烧结过程中存在许多问题,烧结机利用系数低, 能耗大,烧结矿的冷态强度和低温还原粉化性能 较差[3--4]. 钒钛磁铁矿烧结利用系数低的原因是 垂直烧结速度小,烧结矿成品率低; 烧结矿的强度 和低温还原粉化率则与原料的成分特点和成矿过 程的热制度有关,钒钛磁铁精矿烧结过程中液相 生成量少,烧结矿强度较低,成品率不高,并且高 含量 TiO2 和 Al2O3 对改善烧结矿低温还原粉化性 能非常不利[5--6]. 为了提高烧结利用效率和烧结 DOI:10.13374/j.issn1001-053x.2011.06.019
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