Transboundary river basins of the world 263 international river basins cover 45%of earth's surface 145 international treaties since 1814 established to deal with some non-navigational use aspect 12 states have more than 95%of their territory within one or more transboundary basin(s) Global Figures on Transboundary Waters 148 countries include territory within one or more transboundary river basins 39 countries have more than 90%of their territory within one or more transboundary river basins 21 lie entirely within one or more of these watersheds There are numerous examples where transboundary waters have proved to be a source of cooperation rather than conflict ◆263 international river basins cover 45% of earth’s surface ◆145 international treaties since 1814 established to deal with some non-navigational use aspect ◆12 states have more than 95% of their territory within one or more transboundary basin(s) Transboundary river basins of the world
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