Kopec's ligation experiment in 1917 with gypsy moth larva was the first to show that hormones were present in insects. 1917年波兰科学家Kopec的舞毒蛾幼虫结扎实验首次证明了昆虫激素的存在 Areas of insect biology that hormones play a major role .Regulation of molting调控蜕皮 2. Determination of form at metamorphosis决定变态的形式 3.Effects on polymorphism影响多型性 4.Regulation of diapause调控滞育 5. Involvement in reproduction介入生殖 6. Regulation of metabolic activities调控代谢活动及总体的虫体机能 7. Regulation of behavior调控行为 8. Regulation of preprogrammed cell death调控程序性细胞调亡 兰弹:多单饼生理 huy2y衫aTa动a小3云3hyyo争a
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