Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: The Leaning Tower of Pisa has defied the laws of gravity for seven and a half centuries Every vear.on June 19th a professor from the University of Pisa climbs to,the bell tower and measures the increase in the slant with specia instruments.And every year the professor makes the same report the tower has leaned a fraction of an inch more.Last summer,the 125 foot-high tower was leanin an incredible 15 feet out of line.Scientists say that unless a way is found to stop the tilt,the tower will collapse in less than 80 years. The tower is leaning because the soft subsoil of Pisa will not support it.Its foundation is sinking into the soil at an angle,causing the tower to lean.Since a tremor could shake the foundation loose,the ringing of the tower's bells was forbidden in 1959.Trucks are not allowed to pass in the neighborhood of the tower for this same reason 1.The statement which best expresses the main idea of this passage is that A.the Leaning Tower of Pisa is in increasing danger of collapsing B.every year a professor measures the increase in the tower's slant C.the tower is leaning because the subsoil of Pisa will not support it D.there isonly one way to save the Leaning Tower of Pisa 2.It can be inferred from the passage that last summer the tower was found tilted further by A.15 feet B.more than one inch C.a fraction of an inch D.several inches 3.The tower tilts more and more because. A.the ringing of the bells causes a tremor B.there are passing trucks nearby C.it is built on soft soil D.its foundation has been shaken loose 4.Why is the tower described as defying the laws of gravity? A.It had resisted shaking tremors for hundreds of years B.It was built on soft ground. C.It leans a fraction of an inch more every year D.Scientists think that it should have collapsed long ago. 5.Truck traffic has been forbidden in the neighborhood of the towe A.to protect the drivers B.to prevent accidents C.as aprecaution against shaking tremor D.because tricks damage the foundation Questions 6 to,10 are based on the following passage: Napoleon Bonaparte was the master of Europe.He wanted to be the master of the whole world.But he had to first win England,and to win England he had to cross the English Channel in force If only he had slips which could ignore wind4 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: The Leaning Tower of Pisa has defied the laws of gravity for seven and a half centuries.Every year, on June 19th, a professor from the University of .Pisa climbs to, the bell tower and measures the increase in the slant with special instruments. And every year the professor makes the same report: the tower has leaned a fraction of an inch more. Last summer, the 125 foot-high tower was leanin an incredible 15 feet out of line. Scientists say that unless a way is found to stop the tilt, the tower will collapse in less than 80 years.. The tower is leaning because the soft subsoil of Pisa will not support it. Its foundation is sinking into the soil at an angle, causing the tower to lean. Since a tremor could shake the foundation loose, the ringing of the tower's bells was forbidden in 1959. Trucks are not allowed to pass in the neighborhood of the tower for this same reason. 1. The statement which best expresses the main idea of this passage is that____ A. the Leaning Tower of Pisa is in increasing danger of collapsing B. every year a professor measures the increase in the tower's slant C. the tower is leaning because the subsoil of Pisa will not support it D. there is only one way to save the Leaning Tower of Pisa 2. It can be inferred from the passage that last summer the tower was found tilted further by____ A. 15 feet B. more than one inch C. a fraction of an inch D. several inches 3. The tower tilts more and more because____ A. the ringing of the bells causes a tremor B. there are passing trucks nearby . C. it is built on soft soil D. its foundation has been shaken loose 4. Why is the tower described as defying the laws of gravity? A. It had resisted shaking tremors for hundreds of years. B. It was built on soft ground. C. It leans a fraction of an inch more every year. D. Scientists think that it should have collapsed long ago. 5. Truck traffic has been forbidden in the neighborhood of the tower____ A. to protect the drivers B. to prevent accidents C. as a precaution against shaking tremors D. because tricks damage the foundation Questions 6 to, 10 are based on the following passage: Napoleon Bonaparte was the master of Europe. He wanted to be the master of the whole world. But he had to first win England, and to win England he had to cross the English Channel in force If only he had slips which could ignore wind
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