Chapter one:Introduction 17 Galvez,A.Abriouel,H.Lopez,R.L,and Ben,O.N. 2052% Gauthier,R.2005.Organic acids and essential oils,a realistic alten native to wth moters in poultry.I Forum Inte t2005, ,14R157 Geornaras,L Belk,K.E.Scanga,J.A.,Kendall,P.A.Smith,G.C.and Sofos,J.N. 2005.Post-processing antimicrobial treatments to control Listeria monocyto- bologna and ham stordd Food Protection 68:991-998 Harty,D.W.S. Oakey,H.]Patrikak 11 potential of lacto- Levine,A A.,and A beliovich,H. 004.B cid,a weak organ acid path pr 70:44494457. Hsiao,C.P.and Siebert,K.J.1999.Modeling the inhibitory effects of organic acids on bacteria.International Journal of Food Microbiology 47:189-201. 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