w. Lee et aL. / Composites Science and Technology 66(2006)435-443 B8 Chawla KK. Ceramic matrix composites. L 20] Phillipps AJ, Clegg WJ. Clyne Tw. Fracture behaviour of ceramic laminates in bending. Part Il of model predictions 9 He M-Y, Hutchinson Jw. Crack deflection between dissimilar elastic materials. Int I solids interface data. Acta Metall Mater 1993: 41(3): 819-27 [21] Rice JR A path independent integral and approximation analysi 98925(9):1053-67 f strain concentration by notches and cracks. J Appl Mech [10 Dundurs J. Edge-bonded dissimilar orthogonal elastic wedges. J ppl Mech(Trans ASME)1969: 36(5): 650-2 222 Smelser RE, Gurtin ME. On the J-integral for bi-material bodies. [n Martinez D, Gupta VJ. Energy criterion for crack deflection at an Int j Fracture 1977: 13: 382-4 interface between two orthotropic media. J Mech Phys Solid [23] Parks DM. The virtual crack extension method for nonli 994:42(8:1247-71 material behaviour. Comp Method Appl Mech Eng [2 He M-Y. 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