Classification of Hotel There are four major classifications transient:a.lasting for only a short time短暂的,片刻的 of American hotels today:(1)the transient happiness:短暂的欢乐 commercial or transient hotel;(2)the n.(指在旅馆暂住的)临时旅客 resort hotel;(3)the residential hotel, and (4)the motel----motor hotel. approximately::adk.大约,大概(比aboutI正式) Among the22,000 hotels The hospital is approximately five miles from the station. approximately 75 percent are 医院距离车站约有十英里。 commercial,16 percent are resort, 同义词:about,,almost,,nearly一皆表示“大约”之意, and 9 percent are residential.There 但是approximately-与about在超过或没有超过某标准的 are approximately 61,500 motels and 两种情形均可使用。而almost与nearly则由于接近但未 motor hotels. 达到某标准的情况。almost可与nobody,nothing, nowhere,never连用,而nearly则不可以。 It costabout/approximately 1000 dollars. 它大约值1000美元。 Almost nobody believed his story. 几乎没有人相信他的话。 He was almost/nearly run over by a car 他差一点被车子輾过。4 Classification of Hotel There are four major classifications of American hotels today: (1)the commercial or transient hotel; (2)the resort hotel; (3)the residential hotel, and (4)the motel----motor hotel. Among the 22,000 hotels approximately 75 percent are commercial, 16 percent are resort, and 9 percent are residential. There are approximately 61,500 motels and motor hotels. transient: a. lasting for only a short time 短暂的,片刻的 transient happiness:短暂的欢乐 n.(指在旅馆暂住的)临时旅客 approximately: adv. 大约,大概 (比about正式) The hospital is approximately five miles from the station. 医院距离车站约有十英里。 同义词:about, almost, nearly ——皆表示“大约”之意, 但是approximately与about在超过或没有超过某标准的 两种情形均可使用。而almost与nearly则由于接近但未 达到某标准的情况。almost可与nobody, nothing, nowhere, never连用,而nearly则不可以。 It cost about/ approximately 1000 dollars. 它大约值1000美元。 Almost nobody believed his story. 几乎没有人相信他的话。 He was almost / nearly run overby a car. 他差一点被车子輾过
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