3 Methodology measurement,quantum correlations and non-locality,and quantum information and computation. In this book there is material for four one-semester courses.It may also serve as a guide for short course or tuto rials on specific and more advanced topics Methodology (1)In our exposition we have tried to follow a "logical"order,starting from the principles of classical mechanics,the need of quantum mechanics with its fun- Then, ward to the dynamics and to more sophisticated stuff.applications,and special areas. (2)We have made an effort to use a pedagogical style.In particular: (i)We prove or let the reader prove (through problems that are solved on the book' website)practically all our results:we try to lead the reader to reach them step by step from previous ones. (ii)We have made the choice to present Dirac algebra and operatorial formalism from the very beginning.instead of starting with the wave-function formalism.The lat ter is obtained naturally as a particular representation of the former.This approach has the advantage that we are not obliged to repeat the fundamental mathematical tools of the theory. (iii)We present our main principles and results in a pragm tic way.trying to intro- duce new concepts on the basis of experimental evidence,rather than in an axiomatic way.which may result cumbersome for readers who are learning quantum mechanics. (iv)We have made an effort to pay particular attention to cross-references in order to help the (inexpert)reader to quickly find the necessary background and related problems. (3)We have taken into account some of the most recent developments at theoretical and experimental level,as well as with respect t to technological applicat ns:quantun optics,quantum information,quantum non-locality,state measurement,etc (4)We believe that measurement theory constitutes a fundamental part of quan- tum mechanics.As a consequence we have devoted an entire chapter to this sue. (5)When necessary.we have emphasized interpretational as well as historical issues.such as complementarity,measurement,nature of quantum states,and so on. (6)We propose to the reader a large number of problems(more than 300).and the less nes (about half of the m)are solved in a cal way (7)From time to time.we have chosen to treat special topics in"boxes.3 Methodology measurement, quantum correlations and non-locality, and quantum information and computation. In this book there is material for four one-semester courses. It may also serve as a guide for short courses or tutorials on specific and more advanced topics. Methodology (1) In our exposition we have tried to follow a “logical” order, starting from the principles of classical mechanics, the need of quantum mechanics with its fun￾damental assumptions (superposition, complementarity, and uncertainty principles). Then, we present the main features of observables and states, before going for￾ward to the dynamics and to more sophisticated stuff, applications, and special areas. (2) We have made an effort to use a pedagogical style. In particular: (i) We prove or let the reader prove (through problems that are solved on the book’s website) practically all our results: we try to lead the reader to reach them step by step from previous ones. (ii) We have made the choice to present Dirac algebra and operatorial formalism from the very beginning, instead of starting with the wave-function formalism. The lat￾ter is obtained naturally as a particular representation of the former. This approach has the advantage that we are not obliged to repeat the fundamental mathematical tools of the theory. (iii) We present our main principles and results in a pragmatic way, trying to intro￾duce new concepts on the basis of experimental evidence, rather than in an axiomatic way, which may result cumbersome for readers who are learning quantum mechanics. (iv) We have made an effort to pay particular attention to cross-references in order to help the (inexpert) reader to quickly find the necessary background and related problems. (3) We have taken into account some of the most recent developments at theoretical and experimental level, as well as with respect to technological applications: quantum optics, quantum information, quantum non-locality, state measurement, etc. (4) We believe that measurement theory constitutes a fundamental part of quan￾tum mechanics. As a consequence we have devoted an entire chapter to this issue. (5) When necessary, we have emphasized interpretational as well as historical issues, such as complementarity, measurement, nature of quantum states, and so on. (6) We propose to the reader a large number of problems (more than 300), and the less trivial ones (about half of them) are solved in a pedagogical way. (7) From time to time, we have chosen to treat special topics in “boxes.”
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