Preface suitable for producing all sorts of other documents.from simple letters to complete books.ITEX uses TEX 2 as its formatting engine. This short introduction describes INTEX2e and should be sufficient for most applications of ITEX.Refer to ,3]for a complete description of the LYTEX system. This introduction is split into6chapters Chapter 1 tells you about the basic structure of ITEX2 documents.You Chapter 2 goes into the details of typesetting your documents.It explain mo mands and environme nts.After rea b Chapter3 explains how to typeset formulae with LTEX. Many ex ample are sym WT:X. ing PDES es,bibliography generation and some finer points Chapter 5 shows how to use ITEX for creating graphics.Instead of draw 透山品以面 e grap Cs a n Chapte contair ssome potentially dangerous inforn abou how to ut p output of BTEX turns Preface LATEX [1] is a typesetting system that is very suitable for producing scientific and mathematical documents of high typographical quality. It is also suitable for producing all sorts of other documents, from simple letters to complete books. LATEX uses TEX [2] as its formatting engine. This short introduction describes LATEX 2ε and should be sufficient for most applications of LATEX. Refer to [1, 3] for a complete description of the LATEX system. This introduction is split into 6 chapters: Chapter 1 tells you about the basic structure of LATEX 2ε documents. You will also learn a bit about the history of LATEX. After reading this chapter, you should have a rough understanding how LATEX works. Chapter 2 goes into the details of typesetting your documents. It explains most of the essential LATEX commands and environments. After reading this chapter, you will be able to write your first documents, with itemized lists, tables, graphics and floating bodies. Chapter 3 explains how to typeset formulae with LATEX. Many examples demonstrate how to use one of LATEX’s main strengths. At the end of the chapter are tables listing all mathematical symbols available in LATEX. Chapter 4 explains indexes, bibliography generation and some finer points about creating PDFs. Chapter 5 shows how to use LATEX for creating graphics. Instead of drawing a picture with some graphics program, saving it to a file and then including it into LATEX, you describe the picture and have LATEX draw it for you. Chapter 6 contains some potentially dangerous information about how to alter the standard document layout produced by LATEX. It will tell you how to change things such that the beautiful output of LATEX turns ugly or stunning, depending on your abilities