Saying Good bye 道别 A:I think I've come to say goodbye. 甲:我想我得告辞了。 B:Must you?It is still early. 乙:真的吗?还早呢。 A:Really I must be going.The train 甲:我必须得走了。火车5点20分开车。 leaves at five twenty. 乙:好吧,那样的话,我就不留你了。 B:Well,in that case.I won't keep you. 记着给我写信。 Remember to drop me a line. 甲:我当然不会忘记。谢谢你为我做的 A:Oh,I certainly won't forget that. 一切。 Thanks for everything. 乙:没什么。 B:Not at all. 甲再见,祝你一切都好。 A:Bye for now,and all the best. 乙:再见,祝你好运。 B:Good bye and good luck!9 Saying Good bye A: I think I've come to say goodbye. B: Must you? It is still early. A: Really I must be going. The train leaves at five twenty. B: Well, in that case. I won't keep you. Remember to drop me a line. A: Oh, I certainly won't forget that. Thanks for everything. B: Not at all. A: Bye for now, and all the best. B: Good bye and good luck! 道别 甲:我想我得告辞了。 乙:真的吗?还早呢。 甲:我必须得走了。火车5点20分开车。 乙:好吧,那样的话,我就不留你了。 记着给我写信。 甲:我当然不会忘记。谢谢你为我做的 一切。 乙:没什么。 甲:再见,祝你一切都好。 乙:再见,祝你好运
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