HIT POLICY 16.SeeOpenClinical,atwww.openclinical.org/dldloinc.html(7June2005) 17. This is the amount that Walker and colleagues estimate would be saved on hospital and reference lab test- h吗g the implementation of their proposed national IT system at its highest level. walker al Health Care Information Exchange 18. Ibid 19. Connecting for Health, Financial, Legal, and Organizational Approaches to Achieving Electronic Connectivity in Health- care October 2004, www tingforhealth. org/assets/reports/lo_sustain healthcare_rpt pdf(24 June 20. R. Callahan, "Doctors Slowly Going Digital with Records, " Associated Press Online, 22 May 2005 21. J D Kleinke, "Re-Naming and Re-Gaming: Medicare's Doomed Attempt to Reform Reimbursement for In- jectable Drugs, Health Affairs, 8 December 2004, content. healthaffairs org/cgi/content/abstract/hlthaff w4561(7June2005) 22. "Statement of the American Hospital Association to the Federal Trade Commission and Department of justiceonHospitalQUalityandConsumerInformation,"29May2003,www.hospitalconnect.com/aha/ advocacy-grassroots/advocacy/testimony/2003/030603consumerhtml(5 March 2005); and "CHAO Da tabase Worries AHA, "Modem Healthcare(13 August 2001):4 23.E.Jonietz,papErlessMedicine"teChnologyReviewApril2003,www.techreview.com/articles/03/04/ onietz0403.asp(5 March 2005); J Leighty, " Record Time: Nurses Play a vital Role in the Implementation and Success of Digital Medical Records, "Nurse Week News, 10 January 2005, 16: J. Tieman, "Lurching into the Future: Bush Sets 2014 Goal for EMRs, Calls for Incentives, " Modern Healthcare(3 May 2004): 18; and R L Runde, "Healthcare Providers Let Patients View Records Online, " Wall Street Journal, 25 June 2002 24. R J Blendon et al, "Common Concerns amid Diverse Systems: Health Care Experiences in Five Coun tries,"Health Afairs 22, no. 3(2003): 106-121: K Davis, "American Health Care: Why So Costly?"(Testi ionalApproachtoElectronicHealthRecordsforAustralia"apRil2000,www.gpcgorg/publicationa mony to the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee, Il June 2003); and E Quinlan, "Response to docs/Ehrtcom-pdf 8 June 2005) 25. ]. Orbell and L. Wilson, "Institutional Solutions to the N-Prisoners' Dilemma, "American Political Science Re vew72,no.20978):4l-421 6. M. Porter, Competitive Strategy. Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors(New York: Free Press, 1985). 189-191 27. C.M. Kilo, Transforming Care: Medical Practice Design and Information Technology, Health Affairs 24, no 5(2005):1296-1301 28. Callahan, "Doctors Slowly Going Digital. 9. International Telecommunications Union, "ITU's New Broadband Statistics for 1 January 2005, "13 April 2005, wwwitu.int/osg/spu/newslog/TUs+New+ Broadband+Statistics+ For+l+January.2005.aspx(8 June 20 30. Walker et al, "The Value of Health Care Information Exchange 31. David Brailer, Office of National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, keynote address, Health- care Information and Management Systems Society(HIMSS)Annual Conference, San Diego, California, 12-16 February 2005; and McClellan, address to Executives Club 32. Walker et al, "The Value of Health Care Information Exchange 33. L. Baker, "Benefits of Interoperability: A Closer Look at the Estimates, Health Affairs, 19 January 2005, content. healthaffairs. org/cgi/content/abstract/hlthaff w5. 22 (8 June 2005) 34. Walker et al. "The Value of Health Care Information Exchange.' 35. Kleinke, Oxymorons. 36. J.D. Kleinke, "Release 0.0. Clinical Information Technology in the Real World, "Health Affairs 17, no 6(1998) 37. Kleinke, "Vaporware com"; Connecting for Health, "Connecting Ar York: Markle Foundation, July 2004): and U.S. Government Accour amarica ffice i ss altare New Health Information Technology and Legal Bamiers to Its Adoption, Pub. no. GAO-04-991R(Washington: GAO, 13 August 2004), 60 38. T Sloane, "Cynicism or Realism?" Modern Healthcare(7 February 2005): 22 39. R. Herzlinger, "An IT Trojan Horse, "Modern Healthcare(6 September 2004):22 40. W. Frist, "Health Care in the Twenty-first Century, " New England Jourmal of Medicine 352, no. 3(2005): 267. September/October 200H I T P o Li e 16. See Open Clinical, at www.openclinical.org/dldjoinchtml (7 June 2005). 17. This is the amount that Walker and colleagues estimate would be saved on hospital and reference lab test￾ing, following the implementation of their proposed national IT system at its highest level. Walker et al., "The Value of Health Care Information Exchange." 18. Ibid 19. Connecting for Health, Financial, Legal and Organizational Approaches to Achieving Electronic Conneaivity in Health￾care, October 2004, v^^ww.connecdngforhealth.org/assets/reports/flo sustain healthcare rpt.pdf (24 Tune 2005). ~ ~ - f f K J 20. R. Callahan, "Doctors Slowly Going Digital with Records," Associated Press Online, 22 May 2005. 21. J.D. Kleinke, "Re-Naming and Re-Gaming: Medicare's Doomed Attempt to Reform Reimbursement for In￾jectable Drugs," Health Affairs, 8 December 2004, content.healthaffairs.org/cgi/content/abstract/hlthaff .W4.561 (7 June 2005). 22. "Statement of the American Hospital Association to the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice on Hospital Quality and Consumer Information," 29 May 2003, wv(Av.hospitalconnect.com/aha/ advocacy-grassroots/advocacy/tesdmony/2003/030603consumer.html (5 March 2005); and "JCHAO Da￾tabase Worries AHA," Modem Healthcare (13 August 2001): 4. 23. E. Jonietz, "Paperless Medicine," Technology Review, April 2003, www.techreview.coni/articles/03/04/ jonietz0403.asp (5 March 2005); J. Leighty, "Record Time: Nurses Play a Vital Role in the Implementation and Success of Digital Medical Records," Nurse Week News, 10 January 2005,16; J, Tieman, "Lurching into the Future; Bush Sets 2014 Goal for EMRs, Calls for Incentives," Modem Healthcare (3 May 2004): 18; and R.L. Rundle, "Healthcare Providers Let Patients View Records Online," Wall Street Journal 25 June 2002. 24. RJ. Blendon et al., "Common Concerns amid Diverse Systems: Health Care Experiences in Five Coun￾tries," Health Affairs 22, no. 3 (2003): 106-121; K. Davis, "American Health Care: Why So Costly?" (Testi￾mony to the US. Senate Appropriations Committee, 11 June 2003); and F. Quinlan, "Response to a Na￾tional Approach to Electronic Health Records for Austraha," April 2000, www.gpcg.org/pubhcations/ docs/Ehrtcom.pdf (8 June 2005). 25. J. Orbell and L. Wilson, "Institutional Solutions to the N-Prisoners' Dilemma " American Political Science Re￾view 72, no. 2 (1978): 411-42L 26. M. Porter, Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries andComhetitors (New York Free Press 1985) 189-191. 27 CM, KHo, "Transforming Care: Medical Practice Design and Information Technology" Health Affairs 24 no 5 (2005): 1296-1301, 28, Callahan, "Doctors Slowly Going Digital." 29, International Telecommunications Union, "ITU's New Broadband Statistics for 1 January 2005," B April 2005, wwwitu,int/osg/spu/newslog/ITUs+New+Broadband+Statistics+For+l+January>-2005,aspx (8 June 2005), 30, Walker et al., "The Value of Health Care Information Exchange," 31, David Braiier, Office of National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, keynote address. Health￾care Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Annual Conference, San Diego, California, 12-16 February 2005; and McClellan, address to Executives Club, 32, Walker et al,, "The Value of Health Care Information Exchange," 33, L, Baker, "Benefits of Interoperability: A Closer Look at the Estimates," Health Affairs, 19 January 2005, content,healthaffairs,org/cgiycontent/abstractyhlthaff,w5,22 (8 June 2005), 34, Walker et al,, "The Value of Health Care Information Exchange," 35, Kleinke, Oxymorons, 36, J,D. Kleinke, "Release 0,0: Clinical Information Technology in the Real World," Health Affairs 17, no, 6 (1998): 37 Kleinke, "Vaporware,com"; Connecting for Health, "Connecting Americans to Their Healthcare" (New York: Markle Foundation, July 2004); and US, Government Accountability Office, HHS's Efforts to Promote Health Information Technology and Legal Barriers to Its Adoption, Pub, no. GAO-04-991R (Washington- GAO 13 August 2004), 60, 38, T, Sloane, "Cynicism or Realism?" Modem Healthcare (7 February 2005): 22, 39, R, Herzhnger, "An IT Trojan Horse," Modem Healthcare (6 September 2004): 22, 40, W Frist, "Health Care in the Twenty-first Century," New Englandpumal of Medicine 352, no, 3 (2005): 267 September/October 2005
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